Twitter CFO: Trump’s Ban Will Continue Even If He’s Reelected – IOTW Report

Twitter CFO: Trump’s Ban Will Continue Even If He’s Reelected

Virginia Star: Twitter CFO Ned Segal announced on Wednesday that former President Donald Trump would remain banned from his company’s platform even if he was reelected in the future.

Segal made the announcement during an appearance on CNBC’s Squawk Box when the show’s host asked if the former president would be allowed back on the platform if he was reelected. more

26 Comments on Twitter CFO: Trump’s Ban Will Continue Even If He’s Reelected

  1. What does “CFO” stand for Chicken-F**king Officer? Keep f**king that chicken, Ned, you’ve shot your wad as far as Trump is concerned. The thrill and suspense is gone.

    Or to put it another way, you can only cut off your nose to spite your face once.

  2. Are the Twitter Overlords so stupid that they don’t know that Trump,The Real President, has not, and will not be silenced? I never go on twitter and I can see what Trump is up to anytime I want. Your opinion of your importance is embarrassing Twitter. No one cares what you do anymore.

  3. Not if, WHEN President Trump returns as POTUS, and legitimacy to the US Presidency, he MUST act, through the FCC, to dismantle through PROSECUTION, the propaganda machinery that is the ‘media’ that sings in unison against the interests of the American Public.

    ALL sureptitious funding should be revealed and those who provided that funding should be punished as warranted, for Treason.

  4. ^^^^^
    There have been enough LIES told, then washed under the rug, that should be on the Record as evidence of their treason. The false Covid stats, the false narratives of BLM, the criminal records of dindu nuffin ‘martyrs’ used to deceive those unworthy of suffrage.

  5. even steven,
    when you see a snake in the garden you don’t let it slither away, you put the spade to its head.

    Is the First Amendment inviolable or not?!

    If one side gets away with lies, and the other side gets silenced? WTF !!!

    And they did this to the sitting PRESIDENT OF THE USA!!!!!!!!!
    It leaves NO DOUBT that you and I don’t mean jack shit!

  6. Regarding the comment wondering why there are Liberal Jews.
    Given the current Socialist Democrat Party positions on Israel and the Jews in general.

    Take a minute and look up “Sonderkommando” or “KAPO” under National Socialism’s racial ideology.

    It seems too many Democrat/Bernie Sanders supporting Jews neatly fit the modern term usage of the slur “KAPO”.

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