Twitter Employee Cries That He ‘got fired while sleeping’ – IOTW Report

Twitter Employee Cries That He ‘got fired while sleeping’


Some now-fired Twitter employees are unintentionally making headlines left and right over their post-termination behavior, including their crying and whining.

Now on one hand, it’s very understandable that these former employees are upset. Being fired is a horrible experience. But on the other hand, say critics, these employees were responsible for God knows how many Americans being silenced and censored.

And so because of the culture of censorship that so many Twitter employees had fostered, there’s little sympathy coming from these now-fired workers’ critics, especially since Musk is jumping through hoops to try to help them through the transition: more

24 Comments on Twitter Employee Cries That He ‘got fired while sleeping’

  1. Didn’t all these Twitter assholes tell the Pipe Line workers, “Go Get A Job Bitch” after Captain Brain Dead fired all of them. Seems turn abouts fair play. Go get a job bitch.

  2. I pray a real, old-fashioned work ethic is on the horizon for those poor fools. Imagine it dawning on you that all those times you said you did “110%”, you realize it was really only about 30% — on your best day.

    Twitter is one of those technologies, really, that the world can absolutely live without. It’s like cable tee vee.

  3. Keep in mind that every single one of these employees is drawing a paycheck for the next 3 months – while not even being allowed to log on at Twitter. Talk about a dream situation! They are lying to you if they say they are broke or homeless.

  4. “Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities, we didn’t have to produce anything! You’ve never been out of college! You don’t know what it’s like out there! I’ve worked in the private sector. They expect results.” — Dr. Ray Stantz

  5. I enjoy watching these prima donna’s get their come uppins. I hope every one of them are living pay check to pay check. Not many companies will want an ex-Twitter employee due to their laziness, and their “entitlement” attitude. They would be a nightmare for any human resource rep at any company. How I see it, they don’t think they did anything wrong. Elon is making an example out of them, and it’s delicious to watch.

  6. If their desire to cause a global recession pans out these Goddamned know it all idiots who don’t know which end of a screwdriver to use are not going to fare well. Not a Goddamned one of them will get a bit of help from me either.

  7. I left the USAF in late 1977. I was twenty-three years old, married and the father of a one year old. I didn’t have a job lined up when I moved back to Texas, but I hustled and had a good paying job in a chemical plant three days later. Perhaps these spoiled brats can learn the value of hustling. Somehow, I doubt it, though.

  8. I guess I can’t tell them all to learn to code.

    The biggest problem with this generation is that they think civilization did not occur before them and that they are the first group in history that has suffered misfortune or rejection.

    The first to get fired, the first to have too much taxes taken out of their paycheck, the first to have their girlfriends dump them for being too soy boy, effeminate, and beta and the first to be rejected at a job interview for sporting face tattoos, nose rings or hairy pits while being female, and the female part is just a guess.

  9. Let me help anyone out who is still in the dark about these bastards: Individuals who would censor and deprive others of the right to communicate would have no compunction violating any and all of your other rights. I say that literally, I say it is unequivocally and I mean it without reservation. They are not to be given any sympathy. They will only use that as license to continue to violate innocent people in the future.

  10. “Go woke, go broke” is so real for these Marxist indoctrinated useful idiots fired from Twitter right now. None of them are emotionally mature enough to deal with real life experiences. Whine all you want. Not one of those tears will pay the rent. LOL!!

  11. These Twitter employees remind me of the Milgram Experiment. Give people the uncontrolled power over others, and it goes to their heads, every time. I don’t care if they never get jobs.


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