Twitter explodes on John Kasich For Opening State’s Borders To Refugees – IOTW Report

Twitter explodes on John Kasich For Opening State’s Borders To Refugees

DC: John Kasich was the recipient of a tidal wave of Twitter hate Monday, as countless users blamed the Ohio governor for Monday’s horrific attack on Ohio State University’s campus

Kasich praised Ohioans for exhibiting strength and resilience in the face of such a tragedy with a statement Monday afternoon.

But that didn’t stop people from blaming his calls to open the Buckeye state’s borders to international refugees for Abdul Artan’s actions

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22 Comments on Twitter explodes on John Kasich For Opening State’s Borders To Refugees

  1. Importing Somalis is like setting up a pitbull rescue in your back yard without the slightest concern about how your neighbors are affected by it. Sure, most of the dogs will be harmless, but, without a doubt, there will be some dangerous ones in the bunch.

  2. And to every douchebag like Greg Gutfeld who thought he would make a good president because of his prudence, FUCK YOU! His weak type of governance would destroy the U.S. and make it muslim within 30 years!

  3. I’m having a tough time with Trump keeping Romney around for SOS. I’d really wonder though if he ever invited Kaisich over. Would OH even vote him in again if he wasn’t facing a term limit? Sounds like it is time to follow Dad’s footsteps and seek out the good ole USPS.

  4. John Kasich is a piece of shit.
    He signed a Loyalty pledge and promised to support the Republican candidate on National TV, then reneged on it. He lied about a traffic ticket. His honesty, his signature and his word aren’t worth a damn!
    With his words a man makes covenant and his signature is evidence of his covenant.
    A man is only as good as his word.
    If you say you will do something, you do it.
    If you make a promise, you keep it.
    If you sign your name to a document, you abide by the all rules and statements of the document.
    When a man breaks his word, he breaks all credibility.
    If you break your word, you are a not a man, you are a boy, and will be viewed and treated as such.
    Real men understand this. A man’s word is the measure of his character and it is the one true measure of his honesty and integrity. This piece of shit has neither!

  5. John Kasich, son of a trash compacter, actual shit pickle, horrible governor and all around dumb-ass-guy-who-sunk-lehman-brothers-and-inadvertently-cost-my-father-his-job-leading-to-my-parents-divorcing-after-30-years-of-marrage.

    Yeah, fuck him w/ a bramble bush. I hate the guy.

  6. Ohioans, Please keep krackpot Kasich from being re-elected. you’re not safe if he continues to hold office. You don’t have to put up with his RINO dihimmi ways. He’s never going to change his NeverTrump mentality.

  7. The really bad thing is, Kasich is what passes for “conservative” at the gubernatorial level in Ohio. We have some fantastic state senators and reps, and a few of our congress critters ain’t half bad, but good God, the high level muckety-mucks at the state level are the very definition of squishy establishment RINOs. The Ohio GOP needs flushed out, and SOON.

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