Twitter Files #4 Released, Rules Changed to Target Trump – While Elon Musk Hints COVID Censorship Files Are Forthcoming – IOTW Report

Twitter Files #4 Released, Rules Changed to Target Trump – While Elon Musk Hints COVID Censorship Files Are Forthcoming

CTH: The fourth installment of the Twitter Files release dropped yesterday evening as presented by Michael Shellenberger [SEE HERE].  Overall, the Shellenberger angle covers the conversation within Twitter to block the communication and information from President Donald Trump.

Essentially, the executive filtration team in control of Twitter content was looking for ways to stop Donald Trump from using the platform and they modified all existing rules and moderation guidelines to target and censor President Trump.

One of the ways they justified their action was to infer motive for any content that President Trump provided through his Twitter account. “Ultimately on January 8, 2021, Twitter says its ban is based on “specifically how [Trump’s tweets] are being received & interpreted.””  The Twitter executives decided to reach their end goal of shutting down Trump’s voice, the way his message could be interpreted was their best justification. MORE

6 Comments on Twitter Files #4 Released, Rules Changed to Target Trump – While Elon Musk Hints COVID Censorship Files Are Forthcoming

  1. These releases have been earth shattering and the open to the public view of unquestionable Governmental Corruption before the election that it makes one stop and think . . .

    How can the Jan 6 sham official meetings continue in light of this new information?

    This must be addressed now. Like in tomorrow morning. We cannot allow a public sham witchhunt conference to continue when we all know better now.

    Mark Milley.

    Looking at you.
    You an American or a Pussy?

  2. I get it now, why the Left keeps referring to our form of gov’t as a democracy. The crimes that occur are only prosecuted if there is enough backlash in the media over them. Since the media is overwhelmingly Left, they decide what gets prosecuted and what doesn’t.


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