Twitter finally bans Hamas and Hezb’allah – IOTW Report

Twitter finally bans Hamas and Hezb’allah

American Thinker-

Twitter sanctimoniously announced this week that it suspended the accounts of Hamas and Hezb’allah.  “There is no place on Twitter for illegal terrorist organizations and violent extremist groups,” said Twitter’s spokesperson.

Really?  Then why did it take until November 2019 for Twitter to notice that Hamas and Hezb’allah are illegal and violent?  Why did it take threats from four congressmen to force Twitter to ban two of the most infamous terrorist organizations on the planet? 

7 Comments on Twitter finally bans Hamas and Hezb’allah

  1. From kindergarten onward children are bombarded with leftist ideology. You’d expect parents to play a larger roll in pushing back against this but it’s not evident that they are.
    This is exactly why this country is slipping away and if it is to turn around it’ll be a decades long effort.
    Trump is like a tourniquet temporarily stanching the bleeding but it’s going to take much more and the numbers of patriotic americans are shrinking.


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