Twitter flooded with idiots on Clockmed’s “clock” – IOTW Report

Twitter flooded with idiots on Clockmed’s “clock”

There’s a crapload of knuckleheads out there saying Clockmed’s contraption looks nothing like a bomb.
Mr. Pinko has a question.mrpinkosaysclock-med-bomb

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18 Comments on Twitter flooded with idiots on Clockmed’s “clock”

  1. Go back and listen to some of JFK’s campaign speeches. Today he would be considered some sort of Nazi. Yes something’s changed. No matter, they are teranical and they are our enemy.

  2. I still read and hear shit like JFK couldn’t make it in the Repub party today, he was so conservative.. .

    PLEASE. NO conservative would ever have signed that fucking executive order like Kennedy that allowed feral govt employees the right to collectively bargain.

    The beginning of the end. Just how much of the $230,000,000,000,000 of America’s unfunded mandated debt was caused by the govt unions??

    C.Steven, you out there?

  3. these leftist dorks watch too much TV. They have no concept of what the real world is like.

    To them unless it looks like a black bowling ball with a lit fuse coming out of it, it doesn’t ‘look like a bomb.’

    And a bank robber isn’t robbing a bank unless they run out of it with bulging sacks with $ symbols on it?

  4. In WWII the Brits made bombs that appeared to be rocks, horseshit, logs, and dead rats. They were pretty clever and imaginative.

    Clockmed’s a fucking provocative hump.

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