Twitter has made liberal media bias more overt — and that’s a good thing – IOTW Report

Twitter has made liberal media bias more overt — and that’s a good thing

WaEx: Last night, the New York Times reported that as a college student Brett Kavanaugh was interviewed by police in connection with a bar fight in which he was accused of throwing ice at somebody during an altercation. Conservative twitter immediately highlighted the fact that the first bylined author, Emily Bazelon, had already made clear her opposition to Kavanaugh right after President Trump nominated him to the Supreme Court.

In a July 9th tweet, she wrote:

As a @YaleLawSch grad & lecturer, I strongly disassociate myself from tonight’s praise of Brett Kavanaugh. With respect, he’s a 5th vote for a hard-right turn on voting rights and so much more that will harm the democratic process & prevent a more equal society. 1/2

Some conservatives complained that it was unethical for somebody with stated public opposition to Kavanaugh to write a story that attempts to portray him in a bad light. I disagree. I think it’s perfectly appropriate for her to have written the story, which should be praised or mocked on its own merits, and I’m glad that Twitter exists so that there’s more transparency to the liberal bias in the media. Would conservatives have preferred to live in an era in which Bazelon’s personal opinions would have been unknown? In which she keeps them to herself and insists publicly that she has no sort of ideological bias? Or in which the Times assigns the piece to some other reporter who may be equally liberal but who has been more quiet about it? I know I wouldn’t. more here


5 Comments on Twitter has made liberal media bias more overt — and that’s a good thing

  1. “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” – Luke 6:45

  2. “Conservative twitter immediately highlighted the fact…”

    I wonder how many of them were banned, throttled, suspended or otherwise punished for their insolence. It seems the only way the Left can spread its wings is by clipping ours.


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