Twitter loses $5 billion in market value after banning President Trump – IOTW Report

Twitter loses $5 billion in market value after banning President Trump

Human Events: In the wake of the Capitol riots last Wednesday, Twitter and other Big Tech giants took cancel culture to new heights, permanently banning President Trump from their platforms.

Twitter was the first to permanently suspend Trump’s account. 

“After close review of recent Tweets from @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” Twitter said. 

At the time of the ban, Trump had more than 88 million followers, making him among the top six most followed users on the platform. 

Twitter’s ban followed shortly after Facebook suspended the president for at least the rest of his presidency. CEO Mark Zuckerberg defended the decision in a Facebook post on Thursday, arguing that “[Trump’s] decision to use his platform to condone rather than condemn the actions of his supporters at the Capitol building has rightly disturbed people in the US and around the world.” 

As a result of the ban, Twitter stock fell 12 percent on Monday, and the share-price decline wiped $5 billion from the company’s $41 billion market capitalization.  more

19 Comments on Twitter loses $5 billion in market value after banning President Trump

  1. I doubt that Zuck cares that much about the stock price when it comes to decisions about controlling the discussion, or that he is in any danger of going broke and ending up in poverty anytime soon.

    Money in excess of your wildest personal spending dreas just represents power over others, and that is what the wealthiest of the wealthy in our world are all about, not the money itself.

  2. And they only have that power and money because we the people use them. Everybody find their new replacements so we can do this again down the road? If people hadn’t used the product, Jack Dorsey might be a real homeless person instead of just looking like one and who knows what the hell Zuckerberg would have been but it wouldn’t require personality.

  3. Waiting until an expensive delivery shows up in a day or so. Then Amzn Prime is banned here. Told my sister who had a grand a month buying habit with it. she checked if I was right and closed her account yesterday.

  4. My phone provider gave me a free Amazon Prime account with my last upgrade. Opened it up, looked at the permissions and the capabilities of the app and removed it, facebook and twitter first thing before setting up phone. Free movies and stuff isn’t worth that kind of power.

  5. I haven’t heard any stockholders crying in their beer over the Twitter loss. Even if they did, I bet they’re buying more speculating that their holdings will double. Hate to break it to ALL of them, they’re going down!

  6. Think about it. Jackass Dorsey just emasculated all the leftist pricks on Twitter whose only soul purpose in life was to hop on The Donald’s account and attack him. They have no more reason to live. Watch leftist suicides skyrocket. PRAISE THE LORD!

  7. Given the Socialist Political anti-Us Constitutional Political Environment that we have been fraudulently forced into. I like many have started closing my Social Media accounts.

    Why would I support any Social Media that has international ties that dictate who, what, when, where, why and how much it collects, sells, politically censors my information for profit?

    All while doing so to meet the political agendas of those foreign controllers. IF the Social media company wants access to more $$$$ and users (eg. CCP estimated 900M CCP Social Media users 3x’s the US Market).

    All of which I might add is done at a level of the Gestapo only wish it had had.


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