#TwitterSux – IOTW Report


Twitter is Kicking Off Conservatives.

twitter page does not exist

Twitter is kicking conservatives off their social media platform, and several others (including actor Adam Baldwin) are leaving in protest.

17 Comments on #TwitterSux

  1. I don’t use them. ANd I understand that the stock is nose diving. Good. The sooner it goes belly up into bankruptcy and receivership, the better. AN example I hope to see copied soon by the rest of the Libtard Dem-S-M.

  2. I had a twitter account that I used to troll libs with and a couple of months ago I went to log on and it was shut down. By trolling, I don’t mean the liberal version where they insult, demean, curse, etc. I mean by challenging their viewpoint, asking questions, using facts. It was fun while it lasted. 🙂

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