Two Colorado Reps Speak Out After Dems Unanimously Vote to “Indefinitely Postpone” Bill Mandating Sentencing Minimums for Child predators – IOTW Report

Two Colorado Reps Speak Out After Dems Unanimously Vote to “Indefinitely Postpone” Bill Mandating Sentencing Minimums for Child predators

GP: Last week, a committee in the Colorado legislature voted along party lines to “postpone indefinitely” a bill that would have mandated sentencing minimums for convicted buyers of children for sexual exploitation.  Surprising or not, the vote was on party lines despite the bill being co-sponsored by members of both parties, with the Democrats all voting against the passage of the bill to send it to the Appropriations Committee. more

24 Comments on Two Colorado Reps Speak Out After Dems Unanimously Vote to “Indefinitely Postpone” Bill Mandating Sentencing Minimums for Child predators

  1. ^^^^ Why do you think they call it dope. Honestly, compared to Biden having sex with his daughter in the shower you’re gonna type that weak shit? You’re fucking hopeless, irredeemable, and a Pedo yourself.
    Again, where are the men? Cut there throats while they sleep. Problem solved.

  2. ^^^^^^ Link it or shut the fuck up. Just sayen, EVERYONE knows the weak shit you’re referencing. Was he fucking his daughter in the shower? Yes or no. Hunters lap top suggests he poked Hunter in the ass at a young age as well. And you want to compare that asshole to Trump?

  3. ^^^^^ That’s been proven a lie too. Now what loser. Your pedo ass should stay out of my county. Lot’s of National Forrest. I can’t even remember where they’re all buried. Always room for more lil kid lover.

  4. Our Anon sounds remarkably like the comments heard on msNBC during Zoom Chats with really sick freaks.

    It’s normalized that way.

    THEY do it on purpose on TV.

    They have Pink haired, Green haired and Grey haired grifters with big glasses for the smart look. That was identified 10 plus years ago, but now you can see how long propoganda takes to matriculate up stream and infect future generations, which is the point.

    They are Queer Folk and their purpose is to infect.

  5. Brad
    I don’t care what you do.
    Little people with little minds, are not worth the effort and aggravation.
    To those who understand, no explanation is needed.
    To those who do not, none can be given.

    My daughterinlaw still thinks Obama was a good president.

  6. Anyone still voting democrat now is either evil, stupid, or hopelessly brainwashed. Shun democrats. They are not your friends. If the DNC told them to murder you or turn you into the DNC; so they could murder you, they’d likely do it.


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