Two Congressional Staffers Assaulted with Baseball Bat at Dem. Rep. Connolly’s Office – IOTW Report

Two Congressional Staffers Assaulted with Baseball Bat at Dem. Rep. Connolly’s Office


Two of Congressman Gerry Connolly’s staffers were assaulted by a man armed with a baseball bat on Monday morning.

The assault took place at the Democrat lawmaker’s Fairfax, Virginia office.

“This morning, an individual entered my District Office armed with a baseball bat and asked for me before committing an act of violence against two members of my staff,” Congressman Connolly said in a statement. more

18 Comments on Two Congressional Staffers Assaulted with Baseball Bat at Dem. Rep. Connolly’s Office

  1. …ummm, I am not a baseball player and we are not on a field, so if you attempt to enter a space I’m in with a baseball bat you’re getting an ass kicking, NOT a conversation.

    Why in the HELL would you even let Harley Vinh into your CONGRESSIONAL OFFICE ARMED WITH A BAT in the FIRST place?

    …guess only Dems have securiry…

  2. I can imagine the satisfaction in taking a baseball bat to a lib congress critter. If the critter isn’t available his staffers are a reasonable alternative.

  3. Things are getting bad. The little guy dressed in red standing on my one shoulder saw democrat and said… ‘good, serves their rotten asses right’ and the little guy dressed in white on the other shoulder said… nothing.
    Very unusual.


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