Two Georgia election directors put in two-week notice drawing skepticism – IOTW Report

Two Georgia election directors put in two-week notice drawing skepticism

Just The News: Two election officials in Cherokee County, Georgia, have put in their two-week notice and will step down from their director positions.

Elections Director Kim Stancil and the Assistant Director Jennifer Akins have put in for an early retirement as Georgia undergoes a state-wide hand recount ordered by the secretary of State. Georgia will also go through two Senate runoff races scheduled for January 5.  more

19 Comments on Two Georgia election directors put in two-week notice drawing skepticism

  1. “People are saying the timing of both of these two taking their early retirement is very odd,” Mullins said.

    If you go to the link and see their pics, they look like they’re in their early 30’s, too young to “retire.”

    What happened to the edit feature here at IOTW!

  2. Those damned smartmatics need to go into early retirement too.

    And the local media is braying about the deathly covids coming back. Here comes the mail-in ballot push for the runoff. Lin Wood is right: we need to redo EVERY state and local race. And no mail-ins or machines. Just paper.

  3. Nothing will happen to these fraudsters. Like all of them.

    While we struggle with the results of their skullduggery, they get full boat government retirements.

    And can we stop referring to democrat fraud as ‘chicanery’?
    These felonious anti-Americans aren’t engaged in high jinx or mischief. These are pranks or misbehavior.

    These acts are treason. They are coordinated attacks on our constitutional republic. These are socialists intent on enslaving you and me.

    These people have declared war on normal Americans and already launched violent attacks upon us.

    The sooner we realize that they are in mortal combat with we, the people, the better.

  4. Our Floyd County (Ga) election “Chief” was fired today in a closed session of our election board.

    I’m still guessing incompetence, not malice.

    Seems a harmless fuck, lacking organizational and work flow skills, so, pretty much your everyday lackluster non-achiever.

  5. @Lowell: Do you think it’s one of those “fuck up move up” deals? In my working career, this happened ALL the time. Coworkers would always wonder how the fuck up moved up, we came to the conclusion that knee pads were involved.

  6. @Lowell.

    Never underestimate the mumbling milquetoast. They won’t shock you with inflammatory rhetoric, but their sinister and shadowy actions are perhaps more harmful to your liberties than the flamboyant burners and looters.

  7. Goldenfoxx, I think the two young gals you saw were Just The News reporters. I searched up the names, and the two elections women are a bit longer in the tooth. St ill look you g for retirement, but it’s government, so…

  8. @ PHenry and Goldenfoxx:

    You both make valid points. I can’t dismiss either as I know nothing about this guy. The FUMU point will be revealed in due course if it is a factor here.

    The demon in disguise as PHenry guesses, will be much harder to prove. My observation skills come from military, not political training. I’m not real sure even today how well they translate between the fields.

  9. @Lowell. Look at my own soft spoken governor. Ralph Northam of Virginia. The blackfaced abortionist by avocation.

    He is non threatening and has quietly put his weight on his hob nail boot on our necks.

    Thanksgiving? Gone.

    Schools? Back to shut down.

    Ratcheting up the COVID crack down.

    gun show in northern VA. Today he shut it down and our 2nd amendment rights have been aborted. He Got a liberal judge to back him up.

    Beware the soft spoken tyrant. Not all dictators shout loudly and wear arm bands.

    I remembered reading this quote from C.S. Lewis. 1948.
    I will type on iPhone as best I can.
    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent busybodies.
    The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own god will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”


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