Two Navy service members arrested on suspicion of sending military secrets to China – IOTW Report

Two Navy service members arrested on suspicion of sending military secrets to China

Just the News: Two U.S. Navy servicemembers have been arrested for allegedly transmitting sensitive military information to the Chinese government.

Authorities detained Jinchao Wei, aka Patrick Wei, on Wednesday and charged him with “conspiracy to send national defense information to an intelligence officer working for the People’s Republic of China,” according to a press release from the Department of Justice.

Wei allegedly began communicating with a Chinese intelligence officer in February 2022. That official tasked Wei with providing information related to U.S. Navy ships. At the time, Wei was stationed about the U.S.S. Essex. He allegedly provided the Chinese official with information on the weapons systems of the vessel and also disclosed the locations of other U.S. ships.

The DOJ further identified specific instances in which Wei passed sensitive information to the officer, for which he often received remuneration. more

20 Comments on Two Navy service members arrested on suspicion of sending military secrets to China

  1. Jinchao Wei, gee whiz! Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili? Why are these motherfuckers granted clearance? That’s like making Mohammed Allahu Akbar Mayor of London.

  2. The Clintons sold our ICBM telemetry to the Chinks back in the 90s (remember the “Buddhist Temple” donations?) and suffered no consequences, I don’t see how this is any different.

    Shouldn’t they sweep up Feinstein and Swalwell, too?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They must have sold the wrong info, not what the current regime was giving them for free.
    Have you seen the video of Chinese military age men coming over the open border?
    The Chinese aren’t stupid. They see the dregs of the earth doung it and getting to stay after whining for asylum.

  4. Not the only CCP operatives who’ve infiltrated the US military. Why were these two conveniently “caught”? Did they just get overconfident and sloppy.
    They probably report directly to Gen. Milley and/or Austin – Xiden’s compromised, traitorous military leadership.

    BTW, most likely they won’t spend much time in a US military prison before they’re sent to China and disappeared for being a liability or rewarded for being loyal CCP assets.


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