Two of MediaPresident Joe Biden’s national security picks have ties to past scandals – IOTW Report

Two of MediaPresident Joe Biden’s national security picks have ties to past scandals

Just The News:

Joe Biden reached deep into the Obama Administration’s alumni for his prospective Cabinet – should he be certified the winner of the 2020 election – and in so doing also threatened to resurrect old scandals like Hillary Clinton’s email debacle and the Hunter Biden influence controversy.

Biden on Monday announced he wanted as his national security advisor former State Department official Jake Sullivan, who at 43 years old would be the youngest in history. Biden also chose longtime Senate and White House aide Antony Blinken to be his secretary of state should he be sworn in on Jan. 20.

While both picks command enormous respect in national security circles, their past ties to Obama-era scandals could give Republicans fodder for confirmation hearings. Sullivan was a key figure in the probe of Clinton’s mishandling of classified information on a private email server, while Blinken had contacts with Hunter Biden and his Burisma Holdings colleagues in the Ukraine impeachment drama.

Emails recovered from Clinton’s private email server show Sullivan was among the senior State officials to regularly correspond with the secretary of state using the insecure communications channel, including sending her information that was subsequently deemed to be classified at the top secret and secret level. read more

11 Comments on Two of MediaPresident Joe Biden’s national security picks have ties to past scandals

  1. their past ties to Obama-era scandals could give Republicans fodder for confirmation hearings.

    Puh-lease! As long as the enemedia are controlling the country any questioning will be severely edited from their broadcast reporting and what they DO report will be portrayed as character assassinations of fine, upstanding Americans.

    Control the media, control the narrative.

    And yes, this does mean that I think President Trump will lose his challenge. If he does win i will owe alot of people adult beverages. A debt I will be ecstatic to pay.

  2. “…their past ties to Obama-era scandals could give Republicans fodder for confirmation hearings.”

    “could” lol rubberstamp coming. Ain’t no GOPer going to seize or pounce on Biden’s uNiTy Pressidency.

  3. My crystal ball usually doesn’t work very well, but I’m getting a clear picture of what a “President Biden” administration might look like: all fraud/corruption/scandal, past/present/future.

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