Two Teenagers Charged With Hate Crimes After Allegedly Making ‘Anti-White’ Statements, Assaulting White Woman In New York – IOTW Report

Two Teenagers Charged With Hate Crimes After Allegedly Making ‘Anti-White’ Statements, Assaulting White Woman In New York

NY Post: Two teenaged African American girls were charged with hate crimes Tuesday after they allegedly assaulted a 57-year-old white woman on a bus while saying they “hate white people” earlier this month, according to the New York Police Department (NYPD).

The two girls, ages 15 and 16, along with another girl, started arguing with Jill LeCroix on a Queens MTA bus July 9 before allegedly bashing her in the head, the New York Daily News reported.

The victim told police she heard her alleged attackers say, “I hate white people … the way they talk” before they reportedly hit her in the head with a blunt object and ran. LeCroix was treated at a local hospital and received three staples in her head.

According to the NYPD, the two girls were arrested Tuesday after a crime watchers tip, and the third girl is still being sought.

LeCroix, a grandmother with three biracial children, told the New York Post that one of the teenage girls accused her of supporting former President Donald Trump before bashing her head. “Before they hit me, the girl with the green hair said, ‘You probably like Trump! Don’t you?’ I said, ‘I love him.’ I didn’t see which one hit me first,” she recalled. more here

12 Comments on Two Teenagers Charged With Hate Crimes After Allegedly Making ‘Anti-White’ Statements, Assaulting White Woman In New York

  1. Vicious slobs in BIG-TEETH HOCHUL’S and MAYOR UNCLE ERIC’S nyc. The one and only way to deal with them is to put them down, via the bernie goetz way. Any NYC resident here—arm yourselves and loved ones with anything sharp and painful.

  2. I’m shocked that this was classified correctly as a ” hate” crime.

    Multiple thousands of similar incidents occur across the country on a daily basis and barely register if the victim is non black.

    Many Blacks have a vicious hatred of other races and conduct bigoted violence against them. Especially Whites and Asians.

    They do not mess with Hispanics much or us “Indeginous” because they know that we will fight back and will get retribution.

    Not to say they don’t hate us, just that they fear us. Whites and Asians are easy targets and if you know anything about Blacks they only pounce on the easy victims.


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