Two-thirds of Americans say voting by mail would increase voter fraud, poll finds – IOTW Report

Two-thirds of Americans say voting by mail would increase voter fraud, poll finds

Just The News:

early two-thirds of American voters say the country moving entirely to mail-in voting would likely increase voter fraud, according to the latest Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

Sixty-two percent (62%) of voters believe that having everyone vote by mail is likely to increase voter fraud, while just 29% disagree. The totals include 39% who believe an increase in fraud is Very Likely and just 15% who say it is Not at All Likely.

Rasmussen noted what he called “a massive partisan divide” – 81% of Republicans believe voting by mail would lead to more fraud. Democrats are evenly divided (48% say it’s likely, 45% disagree). Among Independent voters, 59% believe it would probably lead to an increase in voter fraud while 27% disagree. read more

11 Comments on Two-thirds of Americans say voting by mail would increase voter fraud, poll finds

  1. Given the number of stupid people in the U.S. (see the number of registered Dems), this means that quite a few stupid Dems are SO stupid they freely acknowledge that their party will commit fraud to beat President Trump.

  2. Follow up question: “Do you care?”
    Face it – if it weren’t for voter fraud, 3/4 of the Demonrats would be out of work.
    And Obola would never have been elected. Or, at least, re-elected.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Nothing wrong with voting by mail, as long as they pass a 15 year mandatory for each count of fraud either with a mail in or at the poll, when caught attached to the law. No other way.

  4. @Ho72:

    How to end voter fraud in three steps: Vote in person, produce an ID, get your thumb dyed with indelible purple.

    And if you’re convicted of voter fraud, you have both thumbs amputated so you can never vote again.


  5. No kidding, I hate voting by mail in Wash. State. I want to go back to voting at my local voting precinct like we had before 2004. Voting by mail is too susceptible to voter fraud by the democraps especially with the cheats we have in our Wash. State that caused Dino Rossi to be be hosed in the 2004. In the2004 Governors election.

  6. I was reading a raw idea put forward that says you could use (with proper programming and checks, a lot of checks) major banks ATM’s. They are on secure networks, there are lots of them everywhere, they have the ability to produce custom screens, are easy to use, can produce proof of choice for the voter along with a check key that the voter could use to ensure their vote was recorded accurately, take pics of the users (although that could be a problem) and nobody could complain that is limited voting rights. Probably worth a deeper look.

  7. Vote by mail was a Major contributing factor to turning Oregon solid blue. Motor voter and sanctuary state ensure we will never have republican representation again.

  8. Scr no way am I voting at a ATM vote wrong and they ding your account, vote right and they give you extra money.

    Tony R. Yep same thing happened up here in Washington,everyone gets one and votes.
    Vote by mail is pure fraud,they send a ballot to every person in the house in the state,. who the hell knows who is voting

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