Two Wyoming Republicans Announce 2022 Primary Challenges Against Liz Cheney After Impeachment Vote – IOTW Report

Two Wyoming Republicans Announce 2022 Primary Challenges Against Liz Cheney After Impeachment Vote

American Greatness: Two Wyoming Republicans have filed papers to challenge House Republican Conference Chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) in the 2022 primaries following her vote to impeach former President Donald Trump.

Wyoming State Sen. Anthony Bouchard and Rep. and business owner Marissa Selvig both filed statements of candidacy in the 2022 primary election on Wednesday. more

20 Comments on Two Wyoming Republicans Announce 2022 Primary Challenges Against Liz Cheney After Impeachment Vote

  1. First announce that Wyoming will be divided into two states, generating two new senators. That’s what Dems are trying to do in DC and Puerto Rico.

    Montana should do the same. California? Three states, 4 additional senators.

    You wanna play stacking the senate, geniuses?

  2. Am I the angriest man on the planet tonight? Sure feels like it.

    Sure, we stole the election but now *️⃣ Is demanding unity. Kindly go fuck yourself. You don’t mean unity. You mean subservience.

  3. MMinAR
    JANUARY 20, 2021 AT 5:09 PM
    “If they run as unendorsed by Trump, Republicans, I’d vote for the dem. ”

    …seeing as how he endorsed Romney and Kemp, I’d not put a lot of faith in the TRUE President’s endorsement radar either…

  4. gin blossom
    JANUARY 20, 2021 AT 5:39 PM
    “Anybody hear Chris Wallace’s comments about Biden’s speech? I think he ejaculated!”

    …I was on an elevator today going up 3 floors that had CNN doing fakeaguration porn that I had to blot out.

    ….I’m not sure the financial guy I was there to visit understood why I was singing “DIE MOTHERFUKER DIE” by Dope at the top of my lungs on my way up to visit him…

  5. 75 million (probably more than that) are firmly behind Trump. That is why the “D’s” need to destroy him and his family. He is the new party and they useless fuck republicans that didn’t back him are dead to me now.

  6. Let this just be the BEGINNING of the rage. The country needs burning rage against McCornhole and McCarthy too! McCarthy can be primaried, McCornhole can be recalled. Start the drums and fifes now…

  7. @gin blossom – “Anybody hear Chris Wallace’s comments about Biden’s speech? I think he ejaculated!”

    I am LOL so much that M Hatch is wondering WHY??

    THEN she said????

    “Is that Gin Blossom????”


    YOU made my day! and THANK you

    @Phenry – excellent idea my friend. Never thought about the Stacking of the Senate.

    Hats off! BTW I’m pissed but not angry.

    And to be fair, to myself and all here, I’m even pissed at DJT to some degree.

    That will subside when I reflect on the accomplishments and what would have been (The Chappaqua Witch) had he not gotten FOUR years.

    And just IMAGINE what would have been done if not for the RINOS, DEMS, LEFTists, MEDIA, SCOTUS was in his way.

    Something went very VERY awry at the end.

    This is the part that needs either re-thinking or reflection? Not sure yet…


  8. I‘ll calm down @ghost. I’m in a rage at the moment.
    But why not start splitting states. Northern VA vs Virginia?
    Eastern PA vs PA?

    How many senators do you leftists wish? Both sides can play this game, you miserable assholea. Push us.

    When I was born there were only 48 stars on the flag, hence 96 senators. AK and Hawaii came in the late fifties.

    Sure. Let’s play. The brainpower rests with us. You thumb sucking bed wetting retards might have boxed yourselves into a corner. And we will beat you mercilessly.

  9. We need to have coordination in these primaries. If we end up with jungle primaries the end result is going to be Cheney or whoever will win. If people really want to transform this party they are going to have to work to agree to pick the best candidate and unify. The way these clowns stay in power is by making sure you get a huge primary pool just like the GOP does during their primary. It is a game and we need to stop playing into keeping them in power.


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