TX GOP Rep. Cloud says Justice, FBI putting up ‘roadblocks’ in efforts to verify voter fraud – IOTW Report

TX GOP Rep. Cloud says Justice, FBI putting up ‘roadblocks’ in efforts to verify voter fraud

Just The News: Texas GOP Rep. Michael Cloud on Friday accused the Justice Department of putting up “roadblocks” in President Trump and others’ efforts to uncover election fraud.

“There’s plenty of evidence there to see, certainly enough evidence to warrant an investigation,” Cloud said on Just the News’ “Water Cooler” show.

On a question by show host David Brody about why neither the Justice Department nor FBI appears to be looking into such matters, Cloud replied: “Some of these accusations are pretty easy to track down if we had the fortitude to do it. … But instead of an interest in this, what we’ve seen is roadblocks when it comes to looking at those items.” more

SNIP: They’re too busy with this, I guess-

Justice Department Files Lawsuit Against Facebook for Discriminating Against U.S. Workers

Lawsuit Alleges Facebook Favors H-1B Visa Workers and Other Temporary Visa Holders over U.S. Workers

Justice.Gov: The Department of Justice announced today that it filed a lawsuit against Facebook Inc. for discriminating against U.S. workers. 

The lawsuit alleges that Facebook refused to recruit, consider, or hire qualified and available U.S. workers for over 2,600 positions that Facebook, instead, reserved for temporary visa holders it sponsored for permanent work authorization (or “green cards”) in connection with the permanent labor certification process (PERM). The positions that were the subject of Facebook’s alleged discrimination against U.S. workers offered an average salary of approximately $156,000. According to the lawsuit, and based on the department’s nearly two-year investigation, Facebook intentionally created a hiring system in which it denied qualified U.S. workers a fair opportunity to learn about and apply for jobs that Facebook instead sought to channel to temporary visa holders Facebook wanted to sponsor for green cards.   

“The Department of Justice’s lawsuit alleges that Facebook engaged in intentional and widespread violations of the law, by setting aside positions for temporary visa holders instead of considering interested and qualified U.S. workers,” said Assistant Attorney General Eric S. Dreiband of the Civil Rights Division. “This lawsuit follows a nearly two-year investigation into Facebook’s practices and a ‘reasonable cause’ determination by the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Our message to workers is clear: if companies deny employment opportunities by illegally preferring temporary visa holders, the Department of Justice will hold them accountable. Our message to all employers — including those in the technology sector — is clear: you cannot illegally prefer to recruit, consider, or hire temporary visa holders over U.S. workers.” more

15 Comments on TX GOP Rep. Cloud says Justice, FBI putting up ‘roadblocks’ in efforts to verify voter fraud

  1. since literally nothing else is as important as this election, they should be dropping everything and focusing on the chinese infiltration and exploitation of our elections.

    Its war and they’re on the wrong side.

  2. This is exactly why eventually Trump will need to bring the Military in. Even if he gets the vote overturned he can’t possibly clean this mess out of DC. Even if he could it would take him another 4 years. He needs to clean this shit up now. Plenty of room at GITMO.

  3. Even if you uncover fraud, and uncover it well enough to prove it in court, how does that change anything as far as who will become President on the Jan 20th?

    Either the electoral college will elect the President or the House will appoint him and I just don’t see Trump being the one they choose. Proving fraud in the popular vote doesn’t change that.

  4. “Declare Martial Law, bring in the Marines, convict every member of the swamp and execute their asses on the White House Lawn.”

    And the Constitutional basis and authority for that?

    Or, maybe, you just don’t find the Constitution and Constitutional government to your liking.

  5. ANYONE, Did you hear me??, ANYONE that denounces voter fraud in this American presidential election cycle IS, IN FACT the ENEMY……

    You really don’t need any more info than that.

  6. BRAD
    IA had a great article on how 2 leftists named George turned the Pentagon into a group of American hating leftists. Her name, maybe, Adrea Warburg.
    Military is antiAmerican! Has been since Ronny left! They have been, and are, anti Don because he is for Americans.
    Today AQG has a good article on petraues surged ISIS into Mosul! Military has not been pro America for 31 yeqrs!

  7. an ol exJarhead

    You are right. But only the political assholes. Our war fighters and spec opps guys love Trump and are Patriots. I think if Trump decides to use the Military he’ll use the JSOC guys who pretty much answer to him anyway.

  8. Hang the illegitimati as traitors to the United States of America! This is the punishment they deserve for their nefarious attempt to overthrow our Republic! This will set an example that we take our freedoms seriously, and will not accept sedition from anyone! God help us maintain the freedoms our Founding Fathers gave to us, and preserve them for our posterity!

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