Types of Campers – IOTW Report

Types of Campers

There’s nothing like sleeping in the wilderness to make you appreciate the comfort of literally anywhere else.

25 Comments on Types of Campers

  1. I heard a comment lately that anyone who thinks nature is not out to kill them needs to sleep naked in the woods to learn the truth.

    I’ve never known a survivalist, but I certainly have known some of the others depicted here. (I won’t reveal which one I am, though)

  2. Best camping, in my experience, is with a pick up truck with a flat bed ‘drop in’ camper.

    Camping ‘on wheels’ with access to just about most places.

  3. 40 foot toy hauler 5th wheel. Air-conditioning, 3 satellite tv’s, 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, residential refrigerator. Even a 3.5K generator if the power goes out. We go to beach campgrounds or water park places. 😀 Keep a golf cart in the “garage”, back ramp becomes a patio.

    Did my time “intense”. I want to know who pooped in the toilet and slept in the bed.

    Don’t like campfires.


  4. Define camping please…..$700 K diesel pusher parked on the shore of Lake Tahoe?…you betcha….60 lb backpack in the Sequoias making 10 miles a day for 5 days and 4 nights?….never done again since 1988, even though I snuck a case of beer in the other 3 guys backpacks we still ran out at day 2….Hell, I live where it’s like camping now, but I have a good bed and indoor plumbing….

  5. My jeep, my tent, my camping gear that fits in a backpack, my bass and trout poles, and mother nature’s clean mountain river.
    Oh, and also my firearms.

  6. Back in a previous life I was a pretty accomplished camper, genuinely enjoyed it. I bet it’s been 20 years since I slept on the ground, sounds like punishment now.

  7. I’ve camped out for months at a time in the Basin and Range under a canvas wall tent. I’m thinking that I’d like to get all my camping gear out of storage and go somewhere for a couple of months to get away from all these State Funerals for a common criminal. At least Senator John McCain was a failed Presidential Candidate (among his many other failings).

  8. 10-15 miles in ending in no trail to the highest alpine lakes. Spend a week fishing and climbing. Catch your breakfast with your first cast at dawn. Sleeping bags rated to -20. Glacier tent. Now, THAT’s camping.

    Uh, in my youth. 🙂

  9. 100 or so years ago, i used to go backpacking relatively frequently in the Shenandoahs. A couple of friends and I would take two cars, park one where we intended to end our hike and then all road to the start. Generally tried to cover 20 miles of trails using maps and compass. Occasionally we got snowed on, once we had rain for the entire hike (bad planning), and once we met some girls who stuck with us for four days and three nights……….. SWEET!
    Some later years I did some hardscrabble camping at the outer banks with a girl I knew, but it was always nor’easter weather and one year the ferry wouldn’t drive us out due to the 4′ seas.
    It was all a bunch of fun but I must admit, the last time I camped out was with my baby boy’s scout group and it was cold as fukc and generally miserable. I’ll stick with the creature comforts.

  10. What would Kit Carson do? Or the pioneers who came West in covered wagons in the 1840’s or so. I had a 61 VW camper van when I was younger that I used to go camping in that I wish I still had. My younger brother tells me that aging baby boomers are paying $50,000 or more for them now and I only paid $750 for it in 1972.

  11. Thanks video idiots. Americans have lost the ability to camp out.

    Last month we all lost the ability to cut our own hair.
    Last week we lost the ability to protest without burning down entire cities.

    I already know we’ve lost mechanical abilities….yes, I’m looking at you, LS douchebags who like old tin but don’t know how to turn a wrench…..sorry, mechanic rant..

    And we’ve lost common sense.. you know, all these NEW gun owners… great to have you on board….but…. it’s like buying a skateboard. You may have the best, most expensive set up, but if you don’t know how to use it you’ll hurt yourselves.

    Anyway, go camping. Learn some outdoor skillz. It’s pretty damn American.

  12. Love camping but haven’t been in many years. With the discovery over the past couple years that my feet are harder to dry upon showering and other aches, pains and uncooperative joints I think I may shop for a small pull behind camper. I’m getting soft!

  13. Some of the mountain groups in the Cascades have high-quality silver ore if you know where/how to look (!). We used to run into guys bringing out backpacks loaded with it. They all had rifles slung on their shoulders.

    Ah, the good old days. BTW, geoff the aardvark, I have been to (and climbed) the Wallowa’s. Super gorgeous! Worth the trip from many states away.

  14. “What would Kit Carson do? ”

    Tell settlers that the Carson Pass was the way to go. Douche. I rode that on a motorpickle a few years ago. Coldest damn ride through June snow I ever experienced.

    Also, VW busses go for less than 10 grand. The pristine westies go for 29K. The expensive busses are the utterly useless split windows and 21 window jobs from the 50’s. 60 to 70 K. I know this because I’m negotiating for an 11k westie with all the goodies, but needs some body work.

    Pro tip. Get a 74 or later. Those have the bed up top.

  15. Once a camper, always a camper. Nothing beats grilling outdoors, sleeping under the stars and hanging out by the campfire. Kinda’ stays in the bloodstream. 🏕️ 🏞️ 🙂

  16. Tent camping circa 1982, Oregon coast. Started pouring rain in the early morning hours tent leaked, sleeping bags soaked, kids crying. I gave the order to break camp. piled everyone and everything into the VW bus, and hit the road thru driving rain…and then…the windshield wipers quit working. Had to stick my head out the window to see where I was going. Good times. And don’t get me started on the heater in that POS. The best VW buses have a non-VW power train.

  17. @ Tony R
    I had a nice 58 panel van that I got for free in 1972 and fixed it up. Got about 100 hp out of it. Transmissions suck, crappy front drum brakes are a intrical part of the death trap. Was doing a about a hundred on PCH by Newport and thought I was really going, then got passed by another VW van doing 20 mph faster. Good times. Hippy days.


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