Types of People at a Potluck – IOTW Report

Types of People at a Potluck

12 Comments on Types of People at a Potluck

  1. Deviled eggs are there to eat while moving through the line, not to take up valuable area on the limited plate space.
    When I was single, I liked hosting one of these for a Singles Sunday School class. I ended up with leftovers for the next few days.

  2. Walmart cake 😀
    Brownies and cookies are also good for eats while filling dessert plate – don’t waste plate space with them and you don’t look like a pig when your dessert plate is overloaded.
    Don’t waste calories on store bought desserts, especially from Walmart.

  3. Been that last-in-line guy at my ex GF’s family potluck after her father’s funeral.

    Ex GF: “Make sure you let family eat before you do.” (I knew we weren’t going to die being married to each other by this time for reasons like this)

    Two hours later – Ex GF: “Did you get something to eat?”

    Me: Not yet, everyone here is family except me and they’re still eating.

    I still think I should have left to pick up a burger and fries for myself in town.

  4. ‘The Sampler’ sticking her fork into her mouth and then into the lemon meringue pie? No. Uh uh. Do people like this exist and why haven’t they been beaten to death if they do exist?

  5. The only thing I ever got from a potluck was Montezuma’s Revenge. Worse part was it hit me before I got home! I put them right up there with buffets – can’t ever do them again! You don’t know anything about what you’re eating, who prepared it, and where they prepared it! Eat at your own risk….I’m not that risky nowadays.

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