U-2 Spy Planes Are Flying Border Security Missions Air Force Confirms – IOTW Report

U-2 Spy Planes Are Flying Border Security Missions Air Force Confirms

US. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin has confirmed that U-2 Dragon Lady spy planes have been flying missions around the border with Mexico. The service’s top officer has also confirmed the use of RC-135V/W Rivet Joint intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft and drones, which TWZ has reported on previously, as part of still-increasing U.S. military support for southwestern border security efforts under President Donald Trump.

“As most of us head into the weekend, I want to thank our U-2, RC-135 & RPA [remotely piloted aircraft; drone] crews who are tirelessly providing unrivaled ISR support for @USNorthernCmd [U.S. Northern Command] at the border to restore sovereignty and protect American communities,” Allvin wrote in a post today on X, a screen shot of which is seen below. “Stay safe and thank you!” more here

15 Comments on U-2 Spy Planes Are Flying Border Security Missions Air Force Confirms

  1. A SR-71 for some reason or another landed at NAS Miramar, California once back in 1973 right next to my fighter squadrons VF-114’s flight line. Upon landing it was immediately met by a tow tractor and a large tarp was thrown over it and taken away to a nearby securely closed hangar and stayed there for a few days until it secretly took off later which no one noticed because of the secrecy surrounding it. It was very hush hush as it was supposed to be, and I still don’t why know it landed at Miramar or the reason why.


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