U.S. Air Force’s woke experiment to graduate more minority pilots crashes and burns – IOTW Report

U.S. Air Force’s woke experiment to graduate more minority pilots crashes and burns


The U.S. Air Force abandoned an experiment aimed at boosting pilot training graduation rates for women and minority pilots after the 2021 initiative failed to achieve the intended results and officers privately warned it could violate anti-discrimination policies, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

As part of the larger military-wide effort to promote diversity in the service’s pilot ranks, the 19th Air Force command near San Antonio, Texas, “clustered” racial minorities and female trainees into one class, dubbed “America’s Class,” to find out if doing so would improve the pilots’ graduation rates. However, not only did the effort fail to boost minority and women candidates’ success rates, but officers involved say they were ordered to engage in potentially unlawful discrimination by excluding white males from the class, documents show. more

26 Comments on U.S. Air Force’s woke experiment to graduate more minority pilots crashes and burns

  1. I remember that woman carrier pilot about 30 years ago who was killed when she crashed into the bow of the carrier she tried to land on. The Navy said it could have happened to anybody and put some top pilots in a similar situation in simulators. The Navy crowed that none of those top pilots were above to recover (in the simulators) either.

    Then a several things came out. First was that the woman had three serious screw-ups in training. A male pilot would have washed out with one minor one. Second, it came out that nobody who had any business flying onto a carrier would have even been in that situation. Third, it came out that there was a very easy way of getting out of the situation but the top pilots in the simulators were ordered not to do it.

    If the best pilots we have are black l women, then all of our pilots can be black women. But to put our security into the hands of a bunch of screws-up strictly because of their gender and skin color does nobody any good.

    I can guarantee that if a serious shooting war were to happen and these diversity hires dropped like flies, it would be called discrimination because we purposely sent them out to be killed.

  2. “…a current Air Force instructor pilot and former trainer for Undergraduate Pilot Training, who spoke on a condition of anonymity due to fear of reprisal, told the DCNF.”

    Fear of reprisal?? More like a guaranfuckingtee of reprisal.

    I could have told you exactly how this would work out. In the mid 1980’s I knew a guy who retired from the Army and was a helicopter pilot instructor. He went to Saudi Arabia or some such and was hired at north of $250K/year to train their prospective pilots. He left after about six months and said he would not stay if they were to give him a million/year. Their pilot candidates were not selected solely based on merit, they were all selected based on their pedigree. Not one in twenty of them had what it takes to pilot attack helicopters. They all were sons of some sheik. Pampered playboys who, when they weren’t drunk, hung over or coked up, were still not pilot material by any measure. They were a downright menace to have in the air and he was certain he would not have survived another month had he stayed.

  3. The country is in ashes and it’s being invaded. It’s now populated by crazy women, drugged-out transvestites, mass murderes, violent insane people. And all intentional. And all while sit around watching like it’s happening somewhere else.

    The Republican party abandoned ship a long time ago. The solution: cut to the chase and plan secession.

  4. My good friend, Jim Gonia, God rest his soul was one of the best retriever trainers in the world. Time and again I would see some well to do couple show up with a foot warmer they bought at a Ducks Unlimited auction or every once in a while a well bred field trial prospect that had all the right stuff ON PAPER. Some of them learned after moving their wonder child from one trainer to the next and investing a couple down payments on a five thousand foot home on their flea bag that the dog was a washout and although it would make a better than average gun dog… that was about it. Some never learned anything but how to make excuses.

    You have to be ruthless when you want to play at that level. My suspicions that qualified fighter pilots are even more rare than a dog that will ever be FCs.

  5. You have to understand that Black people don’t get planes because their bodies still remember the wings they had when they built the Pyramids before Whitey stole them somehow.

  6. This BS has been going on for several decades. What the pentagon failed to realize, is that even if a minority pilot is qualified, their affirmative action policies result in none of his/her peers and subordinates respecting them, assuming he/she was given a pass like all the others.

  7. Why complicate things? If someone’s qualified, let them do it. If someone ‘needs help’ getting qualified, it’s time to look for something else to do – take the hit and move on.

    If you put someone – anyone – in a position in which they are not able to do the job – beit pilot, in fast food or whatever – cut ’em loose. The only thing affirmative action type policies do is destroy productivity and quality. You artificially put someone in a position that hasn’t put forth any personal effort in learning the job, quality will drop as they have no skin in the game. This is true ESPECIALLY if they believe they deserve the job they have no idea how to do….

    You can’t make this shit up, but somehow they keep coming up with shit like this.

  8. We (on the Senate side) had a group of negroes sue because they hadn’t been promoted to Grade 10 (Mechanic) in the AC shop.
    So they were promoted (and paid a “reparation”).

    They were subsequently asked to do some Grade 10-type work – AND SUED AGAIN – claiming they had never been trained to do that kind of work (implying that they were wholly unqualified to be promoted in the first place)! AND WON, again!

    Crazy fucking world.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. As far as I know, the Tuskegee Airmen met the same standards as their white counterparts. And unless history is a lie, they did just fine in combat. But thanks to “progressive” policy, blacks expect easy standards for everything, and then just expect whitey to carry the weight they can’t when the shit hits the fan.

    As far as I’m concerned, the motto of the times is FBP (Fuck Black People) because I’ve watched them fuck up every city and government agency in this country for over 50 fucking years now. Now they’ve destroyed general election fairness and made every city virtually unlivable. Fuck them, now and forever.

  10. One prerequisite to be an Air Force pilot or Navy aviator is a college degree. Certain minorities are admitted to college without qualifying and then handed out their diplomas without qualifying. They are then admitted to OCS without qualifying, and receive their bars without qualifying. So why is anyone surprised when they wash out of flight training after being admitted without qualifying?

  11. never understood the college requirement. college degree demonstrates you can sit in a chair & listen to bullshit for 4+ years. once-upon-a-time, the world’s most competent air force (israel) took the youngest & most skilled, tested the shit out of them, let the most-qualified types loose. doubt if they required college.

  12. @ TheMule AT 10:52 AM

    Black Americans were making real progress before Woodrow Wilson and his Administration came along and fucked them up. Then once again Black Americans were making real progress before Lyndon Johnson and his Administration came along and fucked them up again.

    Notice a pattern here? Hint: It is the Party of the KKK that has rat fucked Black Americans and keeps fucking Black Americans.

  13. “Notice a pattern here? Hint: It is the Party of the KKK that has rat fucked Black Americans and keeps fucking Black Americans.”

    They (Black Americans) seem to enjoy it …

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