U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman Sends in Resignation Letter – IOTW Report

U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman Sends in Resignation Letter


U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman has turned in his resignation letter to President Donald Trump effective October 3 and is planning to move back to his home state of Utah.

Huntsman sent Trump the letter Tuesday morning, and there is speculation that he is moving back to his home state to mount a second run for governor, a role which he served between 2005 and 2009.

“American citizenship is a privilege and I believe the most basic responsibility in return is service to country,” Huntsman began his letter to the president. “To that end, I am honored by the trust you have placed in me as the United States ambassador to Russia during this historically difficult period in bilateral relations.”

The White House confirmed that it had received the letter. more

13 Comments on U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman Sends in Resignation Letter

  1. Huntsman wrote love letters to the seditious gay Kenyan commie that made him look like a junior high nerd with his first girl friend. It was so embarrassing it should have sent him back to Utah years ago.

  2. Huntsman is a wimp like romney and mccain was (“was” – isn’t that great?) he can only attack people who would, due to their character, do him no harm (in other words, conservatives).

    He’s a pussy that Trump gave the boot to. You an be sure of that.

  3. The UNIPARTY has taken control of Utah. Did it decades ago. RomneyCare is the UNIPARTY Sen from the liberal Ute state; what more need to be said.

    More – To be GOp sometimes means to be far left progressive. Has been so for the Utes many years!


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