U.S. Army Soldier Blasts Government After Being Charged for Equipment He was Ordered to Leave During Biden’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal – IOTW Report

U.S. Army Soldier Blasts Government After Being Charged for Equipment He was Ordered to Leave During Biden’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

Gateway Pundit:
In a poignant and critical statement, “Brock Michael,” a former soldier of the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, has expressed his profound disappointment and frustration with the Biden regime.

Michael, who recently concluded his four-year active duty, shared his grievances in a now-deleted video during his gear turn-in day, a standard procedure for departing military personnel.

Michael’s primary contention revolves around being charged an exorbitant amount for military equipment he was ordered to abandon during the tumultuous withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. The charges, totaling $3,561, come as a shock to the soldier, especially considering the circumstances under which the gear was left behind.

During the chaotic last moments of the Afghanistan withdrawal, Michael and his fellow soldiers were instructed to leave behind their equipment. This directive, given amidst the pandemonium of the withdrawal, now seems to have financial repercussions for the soldiers involved. more here

16 Comments on U.S. Army Soldier Blasts Government After Being Charged for Equipment He was Ordered to Leave During Biden’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

  1. Could be worse.

    They could also make them liable for the deaths of all the people the corrupt, illegitimate Pedo “administration” forced them to abandon as well.

    Because one thing a Communist NEVER does is accept the blame for ANYTHING they did, so any chance they get they will push it off onto someone else, with no lie too ridiculous as long as it supports the story they want to tell…

  2. Deplete our resources.
    Deplete our oil reserves.
    Deplete our armament.
    Deplete our morals.
    Arm the terrorists with arms, ammunition, trucks, tanks, technology and aircraft along with Billions of dollars in “aid”
    Destroy our military.
    Destroy our Police.
    Destroy our big cities.
    Destroy our economy.
    Destroy the Dollar.
    Destroy our Southern Border.
    Destroy our manufacturing supply chain.
    Destroy our food distribution.
    Destroy the world’s confidence in the United States!
    Divide the people along all lines of race, creed and color.

    Think this isn’t being driven by the Chinese Communists thru their bought & paid for Jackass, especially when they come to San Fransisco with all their Chinese Communist flags in a show of ownership?

  3. And unfortunately, when it’s the same (dis)organization that’s charging you, as who pays you, you can’t refuse to pay.
    Soooo…..like any Gooberment (dis)organization, they’re quick to grab everything (plus penalties, fees, and interest), but slow to return (maybe hoping that you’ll die/forget/settle for a lesser amount).

  4. This Spec 4 should have hit the supply room as soon as he got back to his unit and had the items he abandoned under orders removed from his issued equipment inventory. This is called a ‘combat loss’. Or, should have had the stuff re-issued under the same administrative procedure so he had it in his possession at separation.

    He screwed up. And his squad leader/platoon sargent. They should have taken care of this immediately on returning stateside.

  5. This specialist was not proactive on obtaining replacement gear. Should have been “acquiring” new kit from the day of return. CIF will get sticky over any shortages, and you need their stamp to out process. His NCO support chain, and the E-4 mafia should have been able to assist, but who knows whether his unit actually cares enough about the troops to have bothered with bailing him out.

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