U.S. CENTCOM releases first official timeline of the Navy boat seizure by Iran – IOTW Report

U.S. CENTCOM releases first official timeline of the Navy boat seizure by Iran


[Ed. – It doesn’t make sense, in terms of its wording about the geographic factors.  More on that later today.]

10 us sailors hostage iran

The following preliminary timeline of the events surrounding the Iranian detainment of 10 U.S. Navy Sailors from January 12-13, 2016, is based upon multiple operational reports received by U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) in the first 24-48 hours after the incident.
A Navy command investigation initiated on Jan. 14, will provide a more complete accounting of events.

On Jan. 12, two NAVCENT Riverine Command Boat (RCB) crews were tasked with the mission of relocating two RCBs from Kuwait to Bahrain, with a planned refueling en route alongside the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Monomoy. The two RCBs were traveling together since they train and deploy in two-boat elements. They departed Kuwait at 9:23 a.m. (GMT). The planned transit path for the mission was down the middle of the Gulf and not through the territorial waters of any country other than Kuwait and Bahrain.


7 Comments on U.S. CENTCOM releases first official timeline of the Navy boat seizure by Iran

  1. Doesn’t pass the smell test. How do two Navy vessels veer off course with all of the navigation tools they have?

    Timing seems suspect capture, debate, release, 100 B returned, and “prisoner” exchange.

  2. “Degraded communications” was the same lie told about the Pueblo.

    NSA operation.

    Same as Pueblo and Malaysian Air 370’s hijacking to Diego Garcia and the murders of all aboard.

  3. “The command investigation will determine what caused the change in course and why the RCBs entered into Iranian territorial waters in the vicinity of Farsi Island.”

    Well, that’s what the hell we’re waiting for. Still no answers. Why not? And as soon as something goes wrong (ie. mechanical issues), they’re trained to report it to their command, immediately. There’s plenty of ways to communicate.

    Something stinks and it’s got Obozo’s breath all over it.

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