U.S. Dedicates $2 Million to Combat Corruption in Mexican Sports Betting – IOTW Report

U.S. Dedicates $2 Million to Combat Corruption in Mexican Sports Betting

Pfft. Who did they bet on getting the money?

Judicial Watch:
While Americans endure high inflation, soaring unemployment, and the enormous cost of an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis the Biden administration is dedicating $2 million to fight corruption in Mexican sports betting. That includes “crimes” such as match-fixing, betting and book making, illegal and legal gambling. The goal, according to a State Department grant announcement, is to disrupt the laundering of illicit proceeds by Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCO) while “undermining the integrity of sports at all levels.” Sports gambling is a vehicle of predatory betting, addiction, loansharking, and match-fixing, according to the agency’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), which is doling out the money to address the problem. more

14 Comments on U.S. Dedicates $2 Million to Combat Corruption in Mexican Sports Betting

  1. It used to be that Mob A would bring in thugs with guns and forcibly take over the bookie operation of Mob B. Now, it’s the exact same thing, except that Mob A is the U.S. State Department.

  2. @Bad_Brad:

    …who wrote this bill…

    I don’t think there’s a bill. That $2 mil wasn’t appropriated, it was a day or two worth of counting room floor sweepings from the State Dept underage human trafficking operation.

  3. I’m laying the odds that this won’t work, although I would rather have the government spent money on nonsense like this than another DEI program.

  4. I thought it was the Bee, went to read the funny. Nope. Parody, oh parody, lost as you are in the lunatic antics of late stage imperial decadence, will you once again raise your knotty and bruised head while I yet live? Or is this the end of our relations for all my time?

  5. Now that the War on Drugs was won, we can spend a few $Million on Gambling.
    Thank goodness we are debt free and can afford to spend $Millions to help Mexico with Gambling. I’m sure we can win this imaginary societal plague.

  6. The real story is that Taco Jill gave the Mexicans 2 million American Government dollars for 2 million tacos needed to feed/bribe the illegal alien invaders attending the DNC convention to vote for Heels Up Harris and Tampon Tim!


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