U.S. Democrats propose ominous ‘6666’ bill for coronavirus tracing – IOTW Report

U.S. Democrats propose ominous ‘6666’ bill for coronavirus tracing

The shortened title of the bill is, ‘COVID–19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.’

May 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – In a bizarre story that seems so much like a conspiracy theory that you need to check it out for yourself, House Democrats have proposed a measure to fund tracing of individuals believed to have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for coronavirus and require them to quarantine. What makes the story seem so far-fetched is that the bill number is H.R. 6666. No joke!

In another strange twist that has to be intentional, the shortened title of the bill is, “COVID–19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.” H.R. 6666 was introduced May 1, 2020 by 39 House Democrats, led by Illinois Representative Bobby Rush. read more

19 Comments on U.S. Democrats propose ominous ‘6666’ bill for coronavirus tracing

  1. Guess what……there’s been other HR 6666 bills in the past. There has even been HR 666 bills in the past.

    While the (D)umbs are piles of mass sewage, the number 666 has lo thing to do with eschatology today.

  2. This is what they had in their other hand.
    Total surveillance state
    Next the ‘Covid Free’ implant allowing you to be in public and shop or go to any event.

  3. Answerman Cooper MAY 13, 2020 AT 1:46 PM
    “The extra 6 makes it worse?”

    …nah, probably because they think they can thwart Biblical prophecy by adding it, because they don’t like how the book ends for them if it DOESN’T…

    …also, they likely figure they’ll get a few more suckaz that way…”See, it’s NOT 666, it’s 6666, so let’s just etch that on to your forehead right there while you say the words that make it feelz better, we’ve found that most people have less pain if they say they love satan, but really that’s up to YOU whether you say satan, the devil, or beezulbub, totally YOUR choice…”

  4. …just more proof that, sooner or later, the child starts to REALLY look like the father…

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
    John 8:44

  5. They’re already forcing everyone to wear the Mask of the Beast, and now they want to deputize the Karens of the Kovid Koven to SWAT people through contact-tracing. Send them home for permanent quarantine in November.

  6. Not a conspiracy theorist but many people have pointed out how powerful people in this country – singers, politicians, etc. are actually into literally worshiping Satan and part of that includes having to give a public nod to it. The triangles, the covering an eye etc. Weird stuff. Now they just come out with it 6666 – and what if it passes?! What do they care, the media is never calling it out.

  7. …they may have little problem getting people to go to the doctor’s for diagnosis and treatment since they’ve made medical buildings forbidding places of fear now and tell you that if ANYONE in your FAMILY gets a positive that you’re locked down for 14 days and they’ll take your kids away from you to be raised by the State…

  8. I won’t wear a f’ing mask. Everybody has probably been in contact with someone that has had it (unless you live in a very rural area and don’t ever leave). I will not voluntarily quarantine for that; they will have to throw me in one of the jails they emptied out. I’m self employed and will go to work at any time someone will pay for my services.


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