U.S. diplomat’s wife accused in British teen’s traffic death was U.S. intelligence, attorney – IOTW Report

U.S. diplomat’s wife accused in British teen’s traffic death was U.S. intelligence, attorney

Just The News: The American woman accused of killing a British teenager in a 2019 traffic accident and previously been identified as the “wife of a U.S. diplomat” was in fact working for U.S. intelligence at the time of the incident, her lawyer now says.

The woman, Anne Sacoolas, is charged with fatally striking teen Harry Dunn while driving on the wrong side of the road in England.

However, in court this week, her lawyer told the judge in Virginia that she was working for U.S. intelligence at the time of the tragic incident. read more

12 Comments on U.S. diplomat’s wife accused in British teen’s traffic death was U.S. intelligence, attorney

  1. charge would have been ” driving without due care and attention ” she would have got a suspended sentence and a heavy fine , [ we drive on the left in the uk as the knights of old rode their horses on the left ,so as to have their sword hand ready , same for the samuria in japan ,


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