U.S. Experiencing Drug Shortage, But Record Amounts of Fentanyl Flows Across Southern Border – IOTW Report

U.S. Experiencing Drug Shortage, But Record Amounts of Fentanyl Flows Across Southern Border

Information Liberation:

The US is experiencing shortages of over 100 drugs ranging from Narcan to Adderall and insulin while record amounts of fentanyl flows across our southern border thanks to DHS head Alejandro Mayorkas’ refusal to enforce federal immigration laws.

From WKRN, “FDA reports 100+ drug shortages nationwide”:

Recent supply chain disruptions are impacting everything from clothes to food, and even trips to the pharmacy. Popular drugs like Adderall, oxycodone, and insulin are running low nationwide MORE HERE

10 Comments on U.S. Experiencing Drug Shortage, But Record Amounts of Fentanyl Flows Across Southern Border

  1. Damn! They really have it in for diabetics.
    If the man made CovADE’s virus didn’t get you, and you managed to survive their blood glucose level fucker upper jab, the shortage of necessary insulin should get ya.


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