U.S. government wastes $907 million on useless “nutrition education” courses for EBT recipients – IOTW Report

U.S. government wastes $907 million on useless “nutrition education” courses for EBT recipients

CFP: Besides spending tens of billions of dollars on fraud-infested programs to feed the poor, the U.S. government wastes an additional $907 million to give recipients useless “nutrition education” courses with rates of effectiveness that cannot be assessed. It marks the latest scandal to rock the government’s famously bloated and corrupt food stamp program as well as a multi-billion-dollar sister project that feeds millions of low-income women and their children.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) operates and funds both programs and spends a fortune on them annually. The grand master is food stamps, renamed Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by the Obama administration to eliminate the welfare stigma. Under Obama the food stamp tab reached a ghastly $80.4 billion in one year to provide a record 46 million people with the welfare benefit. The Trump administration has reduced it a bit, but not by much. The latest USDA figures reveal the food stamp budget is hovering north of $60 billion annually to feed around 44 million people. That’s still a chunk of change. Uncle Sam spends $5.3 billion a year on the other program, which is known as Women Infants and Children (WIC). It serves around 7 million recipients and claims to “safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children younger than 5 who are at nutritional risk.” read more

12 Comments on U.S. government wastes $907 million on useless “nutrition education” courses for EBT recipients

  1. A member of the swamp/left/islamic axis is getting that money in their pocket. You can be sure of that. And you can be sure a lot of it is being directed right back up into the pockets of the democrat politicians (like Uncle Tom Cummnings) who got it spent in the first place.

    And what’s with this bullshit of RESTAURANTS taking EBT??

  2. Ya cant shame them anymore buy making them go back to using pink bills or stamps or whatever. that was the big stigma in my day. And we had to go prove our income monthly i think and had to actually go into a building to get our food stamps once a week.

    I dont know what the restrictions or qualifiers are but they sure arent much apparently

  3. If not for the likes of Maxine Waters, Elijah Cummings, White Guilt, and the new crowd, (the list goes far on) that supported the program from it’s inception who’s only concerns is for votes. The always ineffective enforcement that secures the runaway of programs such as this. At some point needing a vote from a punch-board of 17 children should have been addressed and enforced.
    Now they still ignore enforcement in seeking (Illegal) votes that are counted for their election.
    Hopefully not, but some you have been down before (job lost – 2008), Medical reason, and without this program would no longer be living.
    Just wanted to toss this out there before all those lucky ones who have never been in need, go off on their sanctimonious rants about everyone else being scum.

  4. The money wasn’t wasted – it was siphoned off – as the law demands.

    Gov’t “service” is so lucrative because of shit like this – not in spite of it.

    Those making the laws are the biggest thieves out there – you have to expect them to reward their friends and punish their enemies – that’s the point of politics, after all is said and done (see “Russian Collusion Hoax” for instance, or “Shovel Ready” jobs or “TARP” or “ObolaCare”).

    izlamo delenda est …


    Make up some crazy program, get your people to teach it and run it, and pretend it’s helping others.

    These money-funneling scams go on all day long.


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