U.S. House fails to override Trump veto of resolution to end border wall emergency – IOTW Report

U.S. House fails to override Trump veto of resolution to end border wall emergency

SRN: WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. House of Representatives failed on Tuesday to override President Donald Trump’s first veto, leaving in place the “national emergency” he declared last month to build a U.S.-Mexico border wall that Congress has not funded.

Democrats who control the House did not attract enough Republican support to reach the two-thirds majority vote needed to overturn Trump’s veto. Just 14 Republicans joined 234 Democrats in voting to override, one more Republican than had bucked Trump in a previous House vote on the border wall emergency.

With the 248-181 tally, Trump is now likely to continue scouring federal accounts for money he wants redirected to wall construction projects.

But the battle over his emergency declaration also shifts to the courts, with various legal challenges already underway. A coalition of 16 states sued in February to block Trump’s move.

Trump declared the national emergency on Feb. 15 in an attempt to bypass Congress and move taxpayer funds for the wall away from other uses already approved by Congress. Bipartisan majorities of both the House and Senate rejected his move, voting to terminate the emergency before the president vetoed their resolution on March 15.

Democrats argued the Republican president had overstepped his authority by going around Congress’ refusal to fund a border wall, because the legislature has the power to control spending under the U.S. Constitution.  more

16 Comments on U.S. House fails to override Trump veto of resolution to end border wall emergency

  1. They knew it would be vetoed and they wouldn’t be able to override the veto when they passed it.

    So why did they waste their effort and the taxpayers time and money in the first place?

  2. They’re stalling for time instead of trying to get anything productive done. Meanwhile future voters are streaming across the border who’ll give them the edge in all future elections.
    Even if we stop them from voting they’ll still bleed us dry in short order with the strain on social services etc.

  3. …”obama” had this trick of immediately spending any money he thought was dubiously sourced and may be cut off. He did this most prominently going into the 2012 elections, where he wasn’t sure he’d get re-elected (He knew about Benghazi, but he wasn’t sure if WE would, turns out we didn’t until too late), so he spent up a bunch of Obamacare money that wasn’t supposed to be spent until later, so it could never be gotten back.

    Perhaps, in this ONE case, our President should take a page from “Obama’s” playbook and do the same with the Wall money…

  4. I saw on another thread on this site a link to a story about FEMA detainment centers. In conspiracy theory circles these camps are for conservatives.
    If they do exist, why aren’t the illegals shuttled directly there?

  5. What did those 14 Republicans sell out for? It’s all about backdoor deals. Those 14 Republicans are part of the problem as well and need to go.
    Amash MI
    Herrera Beutler WA
    Katko NY
    Rooney FL
    Upton Ml
    Fitzpatrick PA
    Hurd TX
    Massie KY
    Sensenbrenner WI
    Walden OR
    Gallagher WI
    Johnson SD
    Rodgers WA
    Stefanik NY

  6. “Democrats (Uniparty) argued the Republican president had overstepped his authority by going around Congress’ refusal to fund a border wall, because the legislature has the power to control spending under the U.S. Constitution”

    This was the Rand Paul,/ Justin Amish stupid argument that Trump had the CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to check and balance. If they don’t spend the money….we gotta suffer??? Thank God Almighty We have a CEO as defined by the Constition to check and balance this intellectual vapidity poising as valor.

  7. 16 states are manning lawsuits over the border wall, yet there are only 4 states that should have any say in it at all. CA, AZ, NM, TX, are the only states that have a dog in this fight, the rest just need to shut the hell up.

  8. “So why did they waste their effort and the taxpayers time and money in the first place?”

    Because Brennan told them that the Mueller Report would take out Trump before he could veto them.


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