U.S. Intel Begins Positioning Mexican President AMLO as Enemy of North America – IOTW Report

U.S. Intel Begins Positioning Mexican President AMLO as Enemy of North America

CTH: It’s subtle like a brick through a window when you have the bigger picture in mind.

Joe Biden and Canada’s Justin Trudeau are in ideological alignment, willing to destroy the entire North American economy as they construct the new climate change energy systems for the U.S and Canada.  However, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador (AMLO) has already indicated -including direct statements to Joe Biden at the White House– that he is not willing to put the Mexican economy into collapse and try to engineer an economic future on solar panels and windmills.

That puts Mexican President AMLO in the crosshairs of a unified climate change agenda as outlined by the World Economic Forum and western leadership under the guise of the Build Back Better agenda.  In essence, AMLO goes from socialist hero of the unionized left to becoming a target.  CTH has been saying we need to watch carefully how this plays out because a great deal of the western economic agenda hangs in the balance.

Now that AMLO has taken a pragmatic position on energy development {Go Deep} his lack of alignment means the apparatus of the United States government, the proverbial Eye of Sauron, will target him.  Not coincidentally, the public relations firm for the deepest part of the interventionist intelligence apparatus, the Washington Post, now outlines AMLO as the specific person responsible for the explosion in fentanyl use. MORE

5 Comments on U.S. Intel Begins Positioning Mexican President AMLO as Enemy of North America

  1. So the Biden Admin and it’s Kiddy Diddling Perverted Cabinets are going to rescind Title 42 at the Border to allow unvaxxed hordes in to the Country to range freely . . .

    and . . .

    Start re-imposing Masking and New Vax Mandates on American Citizens soon.

    Sounds like the Script is Sticking to the T.

  2. I noticed today, that the Biden apologists are blaming the border crisis on the Mexican President, not on democrat open-border policy, while simultaneously denying there is a crisis.


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