U.S. Intel Gatekeeper Dragging Feet on Trump-Russia Files, Insiders Say – IOTW Report

U.S. Intel Gatekeeper Dragging Feet on Trump-Russia Files, Insiders Say


By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
August 28, 2019

More than three months after President Trump granted his attorney general unprecedented power to declassify intelligence files, key U.S. intelligence agencies are still withholding documents related to the Trump-Russia affair, say people with direct knowledge of White House discussions on the subject.

The source of the logjam: the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which Trump is in the process of shaking up after the resignations last month of its director, Dan Coats, and principal deputy, Sue Gordon. “Establishment” officials in that agency are still dragging their feet, say the sources, who spoke on condition that they not be further identified.

Sources who have seen the documents generally described their contents to RealClearInvestigations. They said the material still under wraps includes: 

  • Evidence that President Obama’s CIA, FBI, and Justice Department illegally eavesdropped on the Trump campaign — cases separate from the FBI’s disputed FISA court-approved surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
  • An August 2016 briefing CIA Director John Brennan hand-delivered in a sealed envelope to Obama, containing information from what Brennan claimed was “a critical informant close to Putin.” The informant is believed to have actually been a Russian source recycled from the largely debunked dossier compiled by ex-British agent Christopher Steele for the Hillary Clinton campaign. 
  • An email exchange from December 2016 between Brennan and FBI Director James Comey, in which Brennan is said to have argued for using the dossier in early drafts of the task force’s much-hyped January 2017 intelligence assessment. That spread the narrative that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the alleged Clinton campaign hacking to steal the election for Trump.
  • Copies of all FBI, CIA and State Department records related to Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor whose statements regarding Papadopoulos allegedly triggered the original Russia-collusion probe.
  • Transcripts of 53 closed-door interviews of FBI and Justice Department officials and other witnesses conducted by the House Intelligence Committee. The files were sent to the agency last November.

The transcripts “demonstrate who was lying and expose the bias that existed against Trump before and after his election,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) of the House Judiciary Committee. They also reportedly contain evidence of a Democratic National Committee attorney maintaining Russia-related contacts with the CIA during the 2016 campaign. more here

9 Comments on U.S. Intel Gatekeeper Dragging Feet on Trump-Russia Files, Insiders Say

  1. The Deep State is not going to allow Trump to interfere with its operations, and particularly not with its existence.

    If he (Trump) pushes hard enough against it, it can and will get real nasty real quick like and the results may be near catastrophic for both sides.

  2. Oh, now I’m shocked! Obstruction of the collusion of the criminal swamp dwellers? Who would of thought! Never thought I’d see it happening over and over and over; like a merry-go-round from hell. All while the cabal continues its merry way to destroy America, laughing all the way.

  3. Soooooo, patriots can shit or get off the pot (as it were). If the tree of Liberty needs replenishment with the blood of tyrants, traitors and various miscreants than so be it. Let’s make a list, arm ourselves with railroad spikes and 3# mauls and go visit these forking iceholes ala Vlad….. I ain’t getting any younger!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. UNIPARTY took control 1/89; they will not give it up without bloodshed! Does Don have the warriors willing to die for America?

    Based on the lack of action on GWB’s boy Comey; it seems not.

  5. I have to wonder why Trump is standing by and allowing this to continue. He should have learned that NOBODY in DC can be trusted, the swamp dwellers have way too much to lose. He should demand that the Attny General explain himself as well as that piece of shit Cris Wray.
    Mr. President just call for the release of all the documents and let the public sort it out.
    Everyone in DC has their motives and we only have one.

  6. Oh, I neglected to mention that Admiral Rodgers was in that initial meeting at the White House too, so does that mean someone we thought was honorable was part of the plot too? I can’t find a good answer.

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