U.S. judge orders release of FBI records in Sarasota probe that may tie Saudi royals to 9/11 hijackers – IOTW Report

U.S. judge orders release of FBI records in Sarasota probe that may tie Saudi royals to 9/11 hijackers

This could get very interesting…

Geller Report:

Kudos to the Florida Bulldog website who have been pursuing this story for years. One might be puzzled as to why the media has no interest in it but they are so thoroughly corrupt, it is now to be expected. more here

11 Comments on U.S. judge orders release of FBI records in Sarasota probe that may tie Saudi royals to 9/11 hijackers

  1. about time
    right after the 9/11 tragedy, there was an embargo on air traffic. One plane was allowed to fly, however, and that plane took passengers out of the US to saudi arabia.

    on another note- at the above linked site, there is an ad for “can’t we talk about this,” which was, or is, a documentary movie about the assassination of Theo VanGogh.
    Didn’t BFH do the poster for that movie? I don’t see any attribution on the image stating that. I then went to duckduckgo and searched for images for that movie, finding several. None of the images gave credit, nor any of the websites that I then visited. Unless it is of BFH’s choosing, or he is indeed not the artist, I don’t understand.

  2. WHY in the hell is this type of information kept from the general public in the first place??

    OH, WAIT……I think I know.

    Corruption in government should be against the law, But I don’t think that’s the case.

  3. Toby Miles post:
    “right after the 9/11 tragedy, there was an embargo on air traffic. One plane was allowed to fly, however, and that plane took passengers out of the US to saudi arabia.”

    That one plane collected members of the bin Laden family.
    The bin Laden family were business partners of the Bush family. Osama bin Laden (AKA Tim Osman) was a CIA agent sent to Afghanistan to recruit and create al-queda to fight the Russians there. All funded by the CIA. So there was a ready made patsy to blame for 9/11. Which points the guilty finger back at the CIA. Our own government is controlled by the Deep State traitors that hate America. If the MSM were to tell Americans the truth, there would be mass anger, which is what (((They)) fear. That is why (((They))) want patriotic Americans gunless.

    Proof that Osama bin Laden Was CIA and Died in 2001 — Bush – Laden – CIA Connections

  4. @Toby ~ dumb question of the day: why would a documentary on VanGough be titled ‘can’t we talk about this?’ … I mean the guy’s hard of hearing as it is

    … just a thought ….

  5. According to the story, these people left two weeks before 9/11. From what I’ve read the plan itself was more then a year in the making. While Bush needs to answer (which of course he never will) why he let Saudis out of the country (there wasn’t going to be any lynchings or persecutions as there was no idea that Saudi nationals were most of the hijackers) I don’t think he had anything to do with 9/11 which started planning under the Clinton administration.
    Oh, the Judge was appointed by Reagan which shows just how damn important appointing federal judges is for Trump.


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