U.S. military is tracking another mysterious balloon – IOTW Report

U.S. military is tracking another mysterious balloon

NBC: The U.S. military is tracking a mysterious balloon that flew over American soil, but it’s not clear what it is or whom it belongs to, according to three U.S. officials. 

The object flew across portions of Hawaii but did not go over any sensitive areas, the officials said.

The U.S. military has been tracking it since late last week and has determined that it poses no threat to aerial traffic or national security and is not communicating signals, one official said.

It’s not clear if it’s a weather balloon or something else, the official said, adding that the U.S. could still shoot it down if it nears land. more

12 Comments on U.S. military is tracking another mysterious balloon

  1. Helium filled balloon humiliates Biden’s military. Biden’s military mystified by mysterious balloon. All US air defense is scrambled and Defense Readiness Condition is elevated to level 1.

  2. Why is this “information” being told to reporters?

    Don’t they know CYA statements are a sign of weakness?

    I suppose firing very expensive missiles at balloons sent aloft by balloon enthusiests, and missing, is a bit worse.

    I bet Xi is shaking in his oversized boots.

  3. There is real shit, there is bullshit and there is everything in-between.

    All designed to keep the public ignorant, pissed-off and/or disinterested.

  4. Look Squirrel, Military mystified, no kidding.

    When all you have are so-called Professional Politically Appointed Perfumed Princes leading the Military, everyone is mystified with their incompetence and stupidity

  5. “not clear”

    Sure. That’s cause of the current resident.

    If Trump were in, they’d know with 110% certainty it’s RUSSIA and Trump gave them permission to do it.


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