U.S. Moves to Cut Huawei Off From Global Chip Suppliers – IOTW Report

U.S. Moves to Cut Huawei Off From Global Chip Suppliers


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Trump administration on Friday moved to block shipments of semiconductors to Huawei Technologies from global chipmakers, in an action ramping up tensions with China.

The U.S. Commerce Department said it was amending an export rule to “strategically target Huawei’s acquisition of semiconductors that are the direct product of certain U.S. software and technology.”

The reaction from China was swift with a report saying it was ready to put U.S. companies on an “unreliable entity list,” as part of countermeasures in response to the new limits on Huawei, China’s Global Times reported on Friday.

The measures include launching investigations and imposing restrictions on U.S. companies such as Apple Inc (AAPL.O), Cisco Systems Inc (CSCO.O), Qualcomm Inc (QCOM.O) as well as suspending purchase of Boeing Co (BA.N) airplanes, the report said here citing a source.

Reuters first reported the news ahead of the Commence Department’s release. The department said its “announcement cuts off Huawei’s efforts to undermine U.S. export controls.” read more

9 Comments on U.S. Moves to Cut Huawei Off From Global Chip Suppliers

  1. Reuters spews, “…in an action ramping up tensions with China.”

    So blocking the import of chips loaded with backdoors, trojan horses, Lord knows how many spying encryptions & methods of info gathering is OUR side ramping up tensions?

    Fuck you Reuters but keep plucking that chicken.

    There’s great video over at A Nod to the Gods showing a news cameraman walking through a crowd protesting the lockdown. No one with a few functioning brain cells believes fake news anymore.

  2. that are the direct product of certain U.S. software and technology

    And then lists organizations that are as American as The United Nations.

    You do you, brah.

  3. Fox News is running an opinion piece, written by one Sally Pipes, who says that shutting down imports from China will hurt us:


    Screw that. In WWII we were the arsenal of democracy. We put out more military equipment than anyone else by far. What we accomplished in wartime we can do again.

    One of her arguments is that some raw material is not available in the US. That is probably due to mining companies faced with environmental rules that make mining not profitable. Even if a certain RM is not found in the US, it could likely be found in friendly countries.

    Her entire argument is that we are locked into doing business with the CCP. To hell with that. We are not Siamese Twins with any country.


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