U.S. Native-Born Workers Work More Intensively Than Immigrants – IOTW Report

U.S. Native-Born Workers Work More Intensively Than Immigrants


The Assimilation of Immigrant Workers into U.S. Workers

The image of the hardworking immigrant is one of the most enduring narratives of the American experience. Unfortunately, new research suggests this is more of a myth than reality.

And the reality means that the damage to workers at the lower-end of our economy is likely to intensify for years to come.

Most Americans believe that immigrants come to America to work. A 2021 survey by the pro-immigration Cato Institute found that 72 percent of Americans believe immigrants come to the United States to “find jobs and improve their lives.” Some immigration enthusiasts go even further, claiming that immigrants are a necessary revitalizing force for American labor.

“Immigrants—we get the job done” is the title of a popular song in the hit musical Hamilton. “I been scoping ya dudes, ya’ll ain’t been working like I do. I’ll outwork you, it hurts you.”

Not quite. An investigation by researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta shows that immigrants actually work less intensively than native counterparts—at least for the first several years after their arrival in the U.S. read more

13 Comments on U.S. Native-Born Workers Work More Intensively Than Immigrants

  1. It’s a total myth and I think I can explain it. Most of these people did not originate from a capitalist system where the harder/smarter you work and the more you achieve the larger the personal reward. It’s the same with invention. Why bother, there’s nothing in it for me. And that’s exactly where they are trying to take this country.

  2. Correct, Brad. The work ethic in a Capitalistic society rewards the hard workers. Sure, you have the bad employers, but my vast experience has proven that I’m rewarded when I work hard, fair, and honestly.

    I’ve been promoted in most of my jobs over my lifetime and usually not by my trying. My employers recognized my potential even before I did. Sloppy, lazy, dishonest work would never have given me those opportunities.

    It helped that I had a good role model of a Dad. He worked even when he was called in on his days off. And his one piece of advice that has served me well: “If you’re not early, you’re late.”

  3. Claudia,
    We need to start a list. I can still here my parents saying,
    “If you’re not early, you’re late.”
    “Any job worth doing is worth doing right”
    “The jobs not done until everything back in it’s place”

  4. Not sure about that. Working alongside latinos of dubious status in the pipeline trades, these guys are going pkaces. They thrill me with their work ethic, their drive to attain qualifications, their attention to detail. Which I encourage and mentor. These few I encounter may well be what keeps the pipelines operating in the next 10 years. You better hope they do. I’m ageing out. This old white guy won’t be here.

  5. There’s an old Hispanic man I regularly see working about 400 acres of corn, wheat, and alfalfa cropland all by himself. Moving irrigation pipe, weed control, he never stops except for his noon siesta on a wooden bench under an old apple tree. What he does day in and day out would kill me. And that’s saying a lot because when I retired it took three more people to replace me to do what I did all alone.

  6. I worked in and around the construction industry for my entire working life. They may work hard (LOL!) but they do shit work. Because they are ignorant. The reason the houses you have lived in for the last 30 years are largely bullshit is because of the trades being inundated with ignorant illegal scum.

    Hillbillies don’t know shit, either. There are plenty of white men who are stupid, too.

    They are all equally worthless.

  7. I remember the toothless cunt, “Eye Can Shitrock!”

    I live in a house made by hillbilly scum. I had to repair many things.

    They can all go to hell.

  8. It’s a natural trait of a multi- generational American who are not grifting the welfare system, to want to earn a living and prosper. Supporting the national economy benefits citizenship. Strengthens all the privileges that are part of being a citizen in a capitalist society.

    Almost all legal immigrants get it. Some illegals alien do too, but their disregard for the law when entering this country as an invader, disqualifies them from having the same rights as Americans.

    Factors the Deep State uses to circumvent and overwhelm American resources and laws – allowing open borders in order to implement socialist edicts that disenfranchise multi-generational citizens and controlling every aspect of society. The key to destabilizing and destroying the country.

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