U.S. Prosecutor Says $10M Biden Bribe Was Credible, Contradicting Democrat Jamie Raskin – IOTW Report

U.S. Prosecutor Says $10M Biden Bribe Was Credible, Contradicting Democrat Jamie Raskin


Former Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney Scott Brady told the House Judiciary Committee on Monday the FD-1023 file that alleges Hunter and President Joe Biden each received a five-million-dollar bribe was credible and ripe for investigation in 2020, but the FBI was reluctant to investigate, a testimony which contradicts Democrats who allege the FD-1023 file was not credible and therefore the probe was shut down, Breitbart News learned Thursday.

The federal prosecutor, who investigated Hunter Biden’s deals with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, said that his team corroborated the FBI informant’s allegations of the Biden bribes and that they warranted further investigation by three U.S. Attorney’s offices in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Delaware.

Brady’s testimony broadly confirms Sen. Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) Wednesday speculation the FBI maintained more than 40 confidential sources with “criminal information” on Hunter, James, and President Joe Biden before political pressure might have caused an FBI investigation into the Bidens to be shut down “subject to foreign disinformation.” Grassley released the FD-1023 file in July that alleged Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma Holdings, paid Joe and Hunter Biden after then-Vice President Biden withheld aid to Ukraine until then-President Petro Poroshenko fired a prosecutor investigating Burisma. more

James Comer Demands Jamie Raskin Apologize For ‘Lies’ About FBI Form With Biden Bribery Allegations

6 Comments on U.S. Prosecutor Says $10M Biden Bribe Was Credible, Contradicting Democrat Jamie Raskin

  1. Just the tip of the iceberg for the mansion-dwelling, nation-selling, speech-yelling, whopper-telling, kiddie-smelling, pig-eyed dullard, stumbling and bumbling thru life on the short-bus as a bought & paid for stupid sonovabitch who lacks the ability to even change flashlight batteries without fucking it up! 

  2. There are a handful of people who lie 100% of the time, and Raskin is one. Easy to just assume the opposite of whatever he says.


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