U.S. Public Broadcasting Promotes American Diet of Insects to Support Biden Administration Climate Change Initiatives – IOTW Report

U.S. Public Broadcasting Promotes American Diet of Insects to Support Biden Administration Climate Change Initiatives

Elitist assholetry.
Wait until the EBT card holders deep in the concrete woods find this out.

CTH: The goal of gaining public acceptance for eating insects instead of meat is now part of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) effort.  The larger climate change objective is to “transition” the global food supply away from cows, pigs and chickens, and toward a more sustainable lifestyle of eating insects and bugs.   Farmers in North American and Europe are facing massive regulatory changes as part of the Build Back Better or Green New Deal initiatives.

In the U.S. Joe Biden has pledged his entire administration effort toward the goal of reducing U.S. carbon emissions and protecting the planet.  Part of that initiative includes the need to change the diet of Americans away from traditional farm proteins, and toward sustainable alternatives via bugs and/or insects like cockroaches, crickets and grasshoppers.

A comprehensive marketing, branding and image campaign is underway to change the public perception toward an acceptance of sustainable algae and bugs as food sources.  Public Broadcasting (PBS) is part of that imitative:

17 Comments on U.S. Public Broadcasting Promotes American Diet of Insects to Support Biden Administration Climate Change Initiatives

  1. It was only a matter of time before this idea came up. Ya know, literary works like 1984, Brave New World, Atlas Shrugged and even Starship Troopers with it fascist government are all works of fiction but the dems seem to be using them for instruction manuals.

  2. “I want my cockroaches sauteed in garlic and butter”- Richard Pryor, playing the part of a US prisoner in a North Vietnam POW camp, while pulling a cockroach out of his rice bowl.

  3. Can vegans dine or are insects’ meat? If we could convince elites that by eating insects, they were lording it over the underclass this could work. Think of all the new agencies, rules and regulations government could create to cover a completely unregulated insects for food.

  4. Can’t wait to see the new Food Pyramid – or My Plate or whatever they’re calling it these days. If they plan on starving us out I could be open to alternative protein sources; anything’s better than bean curd fercrisakes.

  5. We had a pile of old wood shingles at Gramp’s place when I was a boy. We used to take a split one, maybe 1.5 inches wide, and a clean milk bottle with a lid and walk the pasture. We’d spot a grasshopper and smack them with the shingle. The goal was to stun them, not kill them. Then pick them up and put them in the milk bottle and trap them. Then later in the evening, as the sun got lower, we head down to the river. The trick was to hook them at the armor plate behind their head without killing them. Then you cast them out into a calm stretch of the river and wait… The grasshopper didn’t have a chance. The fish would go nuts!


  6. You wanna know what really bugs me is idiotic green weenies making me want to eat bugs or else in order to save ma gaia. Bug off and take all your nasty tasting bugs with you. Meat of all kinds is what’s for dinner and not bugs. We are not a turd world shithole that eats bugs and never will be. Even covered with chocolate eating bugs would still be gross.

  7. the need to change the diet of Americans away from traditional farm proteins, and toward sustainable alternatives via bugs and/or insects like cockroaches, crickets and grasshoppers

    So these six legged live stock, are just going to free range, like they do now. And swarm into the grinders, just to make the vegans screech? (Well, even more than they screech, now.)

    Or. Will. Must. Someone be farming them. That is someone other than whoever is farming food protein, now. After the current kulaks have had “their” bank(dis)rupted assets… redistributed. So the bankers’ cousins in government can make the money printers go BRRRRR! To fund newer, betterer, farming. To stave off urban starvation. On those “abandoned” farms. (That Bill Gates hasn’t bought.)

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