U.S. Spends More On Medical Care For Inmates Than Seniors, Veterans, Military Personnel – IOTW Report

U.S. Spends More On Medical Care For Inmates Than Seniors, Veterans, Military Personnel

President Obama has repeatedly demonstrated that there’s an extra special place in his heart for incarcerated criminals, but this is a bit much. The administration spends a lot more money on the medical care of jailed convicts than retired seniors on Medicare, active U.S. military personnel or veterans… MORE

10 Comments on U.S. Spends More On Medical Care For Inmates Than Seniors, Veterans, Military Personnel

  1. mr obama, you have had a bad week, your ass is being handed to you during your last 7 mos as worst president ever

    with full disrespect, i am enjoying watching the wheels fall off your bus

  2. President Lazlo would turn all that muscle power lazing about all day in the prisons into profit!
    They can pedal stationary bikes hooked up to generators ten hours a day and offset some of their costs.
    All dental problems will be met with extractions because a toothless inmate will appreciate mush and various gruels as staples of an economically sound diet. They can train as dental technicians making sets of dentures for inmates who are to be released.

  3. There’s a lot more than just the medical expenses; you take a dangerous inmate or one that is a high flight-risk, and you have to take extra security measures. Some inmates may require more than one guard, and taxpayers are stuck with all those expenses.
    Then you have criminals like Barry Hussein 0bama who don’t know what the hell gender they are, …, hey, give that queerbait a penis and some boobs, it’s okay, the taxpayers will pick up the tab.

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