U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments reportedly spied on for months by foreign hackers – IOTW Report

U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments reportedly spied on for months by foreign hackers

BPR: The U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments were reportedly spied on by hackers suspected of working for a foreign government, possibly Russia.

The White House acknowledged on Sunday that internal email traffic at the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Informations Administration were being monitored by a foreign government for months, Reuters reported.

The discovery led to an emergency meeting of the National Security Council on Saturday and federal agencies have begun an investigation.

“The United States government is aware of these reports and we are taking all necessary steps to identify and remedy any possible issues related to this situation,” John Ullyot, a National Security Council spokesman said in a statement. more here

5 Comments on U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments reportedly spied on for months by foreign hackers

  1. What was the name of that MF that Trump dwarf-tossed out the door that was in charge of all things interwebs? Pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together.

  2. What’s the difference? The White House is now The Whore House.Now they can just come in through the front door.

    As we’ve learned, they’ve been doing that for years through Clinton and Obama.

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