U.S. Warns Europe: End Business With Iran or Face Harsh Sanctions – IOTW Report

U.S. Warns Europe: End Business With Iran or Face Harsh Sanctions

WFB: Congress and the Trump administration are issuing a stern warning to European partners: End all business ties with the Iranian regime or face harsh new sanctions in the coming months, a move that could impact international financial markets and U.S. banks tied to foreign monetary institutions, according to multiple senior U.S. officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon about diplomatic efforts to pressure Europe on Iran.

The Trump administration and many in Congress have been working in tandem to pressure European partners over their ongoing financial ties to Iran ahead of efforts by the United States to fully reinstate harsh sanctions on Iran, including on its lucrative oil sector and banking systems, U.S. officials said.

Key European partners have expressed opposition to the new U.S. sanctions in recent months and have held a series of meetings with senior Iranian officials to discuss tactics for evading the new American sanctions, which follow on the heels on President Donald Trump’s decision to abandon the landmark nuclear deal.

The increased financial pressure if part of a larger effort by the Trump administration and its allies in Congress to further choke the Iranian economy as dissident protesters in the Islamic Republic continue to rail against the hardline regime for its spending on foreign interventionism in hotspots such as Syria and its continued support for international terror groups.  more here

3 Comments on U.S. Warns Europe: End Business With Iran or Face Harsh Sanctions

  1. Let them do bidness with the mullahs. And let’s drop ALL expenditures for protecting the Uros militarily.

    Then after they get annihilated, we’ll have lots of new open pastureland. After the radiation dies down, that is.


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