U.S. Will Pay Moderna $176 Million to Develop mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine – IOTW Report

U.S. Will Pay Moderna $176 Million to Develop mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine

If we put up with this bullshit again, there is no hope for us. None.

22 Comments on U.S. Will Pay Moderna $176 Million to Develop mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine

  1. I have a summer cold with coughing and sneezing and a very stuffy head full of snot and I’m coughing up big loogies It is not fun, but I’ll get thru it and I still refuse to get vaccinated again. I spent 10 days in the hospital in Oct. 22 with COVID and survived it and they can kiss my ass if they think that I’ll fall for some bullshit plandemic again.

  2. Pediatricians are back on a kick of testing for covid. My granddaughter has a summer cold plus allergies, my daughter called about getting her in to get her some different allergy meds. They told her to have her put on a mask when she came in and they would swab her. She told them no thanks.

    They didn’t say swab for covid, but she assumed so with the mask thing.

    So she gave her a dose of ivermectin and had her sleep with a humidifier last night and besides the coughing that always comes with the end of a cold she’s way better.

  3. Old Racist White Woman

    My daughter in law is a labor and delivery nurse. She will not allow my two year old granddaughter to be VAXED with anything. It’s the same with her co workers. Just sayen.

  4. Anyone that falls for hat mRNA crap again deserves whatever happens to them.

  5. Brad, I don’t trust their swab test either. Since they started this shit, my daughter cut off all vaccinations because she doesn’t trust them.

  6. “If we put up with this bullshit again, there is no hope for us. None.”

    And there shouldn’t be. We’re too stupid to live.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. 99th Squad Leader
    WEDNESDAY, 3 JULY 2024, 2:45 AT 2:45 AM
    “Due for a tetanus shot. Things are so screwed up medically with vaccines, Praying I don’t get the Covid jab instead.”

    …they are in the process of converting *ALL* true vaccines into mRNA counterfeits.

    Not sure where theyre at with this,

    You may want to ask…


  8. Thanks SNS. I figured the next move is to make real vaccines ineffective. I think this year is ok for a tetanus shot, but in 10 years it could become a poison jab that leaves you exposed to lockjaw, heart failure and other diseases.
    On top of that pharmacies are providing tetanus shots not Dr. offices. Such a risky process.


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