UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain Cut Diplomatic Ties With Qatar – IOTW Report

UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain Cut Diplomatic Ties With Qatar

Conservative Treehouse:

There’s a history needed for context here.  But first, here’s the latest developments in order of their occurrence.

♦ 6:00am Bahrain’s Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a statement early Monday saying it would withdraw its diplomatic mission from the Qatari capital of Doha within 48 hours and that all Qatari diplomats should leave Bahrain within the same period.

The ministry’s statement said Qatari citizens needed to leave Bahrain within two weeks and that air and sea traffic between the two countries would be halted. It wasn’t immediately clear how that would affect Qatar Airways, one of the region’s major long-haul carriers.

Bahrain blamed Qatar’s “media incitement, support for armed terrorist activities and funding linked to Iranian groups to carry out sabotage and spreading chaos in Bahrain” for its decision.

♦ 7:00am Saudi Arabia says it is cutting diplomatic ties to Qatar and it has pulled all Qatari troops from the ongoing war in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia made the announcement via its state-run Saudi Press Agency early Monday. It appeared to be timed in concert with an earlier announcement by Bahrain similarly cutting ties.

♦ 8:00am The United Arab Emirates and Egypt have cut diplomatic ties to Qatar.  The two countries have joined Saudi Arabia and Bahrain in cutting ties to Qatar amid a growing Arab diplomatic dispute with the small, gas-rich nation.

Both the UAE and Egypt made the announcement on their state-run news agencies within minutes of each other.

Qatar has been a source of historic extremist and terrorist related problems for the Gulf Security Council and aforementioned Gulf States.

Here’s some historic background for possible context on the latest developments:

  • Qatar was the intermediary used by President Obama for covert arms and monetary transfers by the Obama CIA and Obama/Clinton State Department respectively.
  • Qatar was also the chosen home for detainees when President Obama released the GITMO terrorists.  MORE

10 Comments on UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain Cut Diplomatic Ties With Qatar

  1. Is this where the $100s of Billions of US taxpayer dollars went that were unaccounted for?
    So will Obama and Hillary be charged with financing, supporting and arming Islamic Terrorist organizations?

    Or are they too big to jail.

  2. I’ll make a bet that his coalition is a result of President Trumps trip to the Middle East. They know Iran is the threat and having the US as an ally makes the coalition much stronger. Qatar is now isolated and at risk of becoming insignificant to the region.

  3. I think they realize that (as mentioned by other commenters) Iran is the biggest threat (with Turkey becoming bigger one each passing day) but it really seems like a lot of different shades of black pots calling another pot blacker. I wonder if FIFA will take the World Cup away from Qatar and award it to another country and whether they’ll ask for their bribe money back. Hell, give it to Brazil again, maybe since all the facilities are already built the taxpayers may get some of their money back.

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