UAW, not GM, is exploiting workers – IOTW Report

UAW, not GM, is exploiting workers

It’s the best contract offer the UAW has seen from an automaker in a decade. But again, it’s not about the money. It’s about the corruption.

Nolan Finley /Detroit News:

Picket lines are magnets for Democrats, so it’s no surprise the UAW strike has brought presidential hopefuls and congress members scurrying to Detroit to stand in solidarity with autoworkers, bringing with them donuts and reality-defying rhetoric.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts was here over the weekend pitching the walk-out as a last stand for the American middle class and chastising General Motors for exploiting its workers.

But the strike, now into its second week, isn’t about protecting the jobs and lifestyles of manufacturing workers — the contract GM put on the table would improve both. The work stoppage is all about saving the fannies of UAW President Gary Jones and other top union leaders caught up in an ongoing corruption scandal. keep reading

12 Comments on UAW, not GM, is exploiting workers

  1. One of my claims to fame, I was written up 3 times for not obeying union rules.
    The thing is, I wasn’t in the union, I didn’t even work for the company who used the union workers.
    Worked for the company who was paying the company, who was paying the union workers.
    2 different places, years apart.
    Sorry boys, my company’s bottom line comes before your rules.
    I hate a union.

  2. This strike is only camouflage for the indictments that have come out recently of the union leadership for bribes and corruption. Mainstream media hasn’t reported it but its well known news here in Michigan the past couple weeks.

  3. Ask an auto worker this:

    1) Can you build the car without the equipment the maker gives you?

    2) Can a non-mechanic perform your job/task?

    3) Can you fix the car you make?

    4) Why do you make more money than the poor overworked S.O.B auto mechanic that has to fix the garbage you produce that was designed by jackasses?

    Auto mechanics do not make enough $$$ for the shit they have to work with. They have way too much capital outlay for tools., and they make WAY LESS than a CAW autoworker with many more hours put in per day.

    Same for UAW but to a lesser extent.

  4. …never in UAW, but knew some who were.

    I knew a gal that went to a Ford transmission plant and got bawled out her first day for trying to empty her own garbage can. “WE HAVE A GUY FOR THAT!”.

    I know a guy who worked in a GM Camaro aassembly plant where they had to stand around for 5 minutes when a paint line came off even though the cutoff was RIGHT THERE, because ONLY a pipefitter was allowed to turn it off.

    And a guy who worked in an MI GM plant who had a grievance for unpaid OT, which the union traded away without consulting him so a guy caught drugging on the job wouldn’t get fired.

    …and I work with guys from unionized plants of all descriptions who don’t work there any more, because all the union did for them was get their plant shut down.

    …what I’ve NEVER heard is a union actually HELPING anyone but a Democrat candidate, whether or not you WANT them to use your dues that way, they will ANYWAY..

  5. Have a friend who works a a Dodge truck plant as a tool and die repairman. When they were having their inspection to obtain their Q whatever the hell they call it designation ( I believe you have to continually upgrade to new Q requirements) they were instructed to roll their fully equipped and loaded roll around Kennedy tool boxes into dumpsters (after removing personal items, all tools are provided by Dodge/Chrysler) and all would be replaced with new. Friend said the stuff was like new. Wonder why cars and trucks cost so much. The waste and theft is staggering when you hear these guys talk.

  6. Fox News Radio spot is touting the plight of the poor, poor strikers having to subsist on $250 a week from the union when they were making $1200-1500 while working. You can bet the union bosses salary hasn’t changed one cent. Fox didn’t mention that fact.


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