Uber Driver Saves Teen From Child Sex Trafficking – IOTW Report

Uber Driver Saves Teen From Child Sex Trafficking

Breitbart: Police credit Uber driver Keith Avila for helping rescue a teenage girl out of sex trafficking Monday night, says a Fox 59 report.


Avila had a feeling something was wrong after giving a ride to a young girl and two older women to a Holiday Inn in Elk Grove, CA, where the two women allegedly pimped the teen out to a man for sex.

Shortly after dropping them off, he called police to the scene.

“Police arrived fast. They don’t play. They do not play. Not when you’re doing child sex trafficking,” Avila described.

The two women, Destiny Pettway and Maria Westly, were both arrested for charges relating to pimping and pandering.

Police found the teen with 20-year-old Disney Vang in a hotel room. Vang was arrested on suspicion of sexual activity with a minor, and has been released.  MORE

17 Comments on Uber Driver Saves Teen From Child Sex Trafficking

  1. Just curious MJ but why do you highlight stories where the bad actors are black or latino? If you wanted to run a story about Asian or white pimps, I just googled that & there are plenty to choose from.

  2. These pimps and the prostitute are as stupid as they come. Who in their right mind asks a cab driver if they can do drugs in the taxi? And the pimps discussing the commiting of a crime in front of a complete stranger?

    I don’t feel a bit of pity for the runaway prostitute.. She could have escaped if she chose to.

  3. MM, the Latino driver was the hero here.Hmm…. Do you have a problem with Latinos doing good or something?
    Oh and to play your game…You must have missed all the ‘white politicians and school teachers doing scummy shit’ posts, huh?
    Don’t play games with me, dude.

  4. MM, you’re starting down a bad road.

    I don’t see any “pattern” by MJA where she goes out and seeks stories that further
    any personal agenda other than to show progressivism in a bad light.
    Highlighting stories that show the erosion of society, where the “bad guys” are white, black, brown, red or yellow (matters little), is meant to be an attack on progressivism. Progressivism has no color.

    MJA has endured a lot of comments over the years, even as she toils tirelessly day in, day out, on a crusade against the left, that, to my mind, should hurt her. It would if she didn’t have the rugged, steely resolve of a conservative, much like other great Americans that happen to look unwhite. She remains, stoically, in a tent that has some that would like to see her gone simply because of that unwhiteness.

    MJA is just about the most conservative person I know.
    I cannot think of one issue where she isn’t staunchly right-wing.

    I’m not sure why, but you seem to be laying the groundwork for some sort of stalking campaign that is purely race-based.

    What exactly is it you want from her? What would be her response that would satisfy you and cause you to feel you have triumphed?

    She’ll be glad to write it, make you feel superior, and then push you aside as she continues to work on her agenda, one that, unfortunately, has racists that don’t get it.
    If you think conservatism should have a crudely written shingle that says “non-whites need apply” hanging on the tent flap, then this might not be the site for you.
    I don’t know what else to say.

    Don’t Tread On Me doesn’t apply to MJA? It seems she is being tread upon because of her skin color.

  5. Fur you know my feelings about race realism. If anything, you should have connected the dots that the more stories highlighting blacks as criminals the better I’d like that.

    You’re making much more out of my question then is there. I’ve just noted in the past couple days the stories selected.

    How could this possibly be interpreted as questioning MJ’s conservatism? And I’ve thanked her a number of times in my comments for all the hard work I know she expends here. As I have you as well. And of course I haven’t missed the stories about corrupt white politicians, I comment a lot don’t I?

    A stalking campaign that’s race based? Wow.

    Then this from her, “MM, the Latino driver was the hero here.Hmm…. Do you have a problem with Latinos doing good or something?” I live in a small town that is over 70% latino, a fact I knew before I bought my home. A fact I also have noted numerous times here.

    Both of you let me have it the other day because I answered your question(correctly I still assert) about why you’re inured to watching blacks get violent on YouTube. If I’m not free to express my opinion in the comments, just tell me and I’ll split.

  6. Of course you are free to express your feelings in the comments.

    We just have a difference of opinion.
    When we post stories of black thugs we do it to highlight, just as Trump says, that democratic control of the inner cities has created a cesspool and the correct path is to take the power away from the left.
    As society as a whole spirals into decadence, you think it’s just blacks and they’ve always been the same, even 80-90 years ago, and whites are just as they were 80-90 years ago. There is no progressivism problem, it’s just blacks.

    It would seem that your opinion is that a collection of blacks, no matter who they are, is a cesspool because they are black. How is MJA supposed to react to that?

    The other thread was the other thread.
    Now, it seems, you’re bringing up race again in another thread after she posted a Breitbart story about an Uber driver that saved a girl from sex trafficking because he overheard their conversation in the car.

    I asked before, what is it you want from her? Is she supposed to say, “you’re right, all blacks suck. I suck.”?

    I’m not sure why you’re calling her out and what she isn’t doing right and how she can correct what she’s doing wrong.

  7. God bless this brave hero, I hope that the girl will be able to recover emotionally/spiritually. However, one thing is really bothering me. Why was the man who payed to have sex with a minor released? Why wasn’t he registered as an offender???

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