Uber has “proactively suspended self-driving operations in all cities immediately” – IOTW Report

Uber has “proactively suspended self-driving operations in all cities immediately”

FOX: Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey suspended Uber from testing autonomous vehicles in the state on Monday after a self-driving car fatally struck a woman last week.

The Republican governor, in a letter to Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, ordered the Arizona Department of Transportation to suspend the company’s self-driving testing.

Ducey said he found recent dashcam footage released of the crash “disturbing and alarming,” adding that “it raises many questions about the ability of Uber to continue testing in Arizona.”

The camera footage released on Wednesday by the Tempe Police Department showed both exterior and interior angles of the car ride leading up to the moment the pedestrian, identified as Elaine Herzberg, 49, was hit.

The incident, Ducey said, “is an unquestionable failure to comply” with the expectation of public safety being a “top priority for all who operate this technology in the state.”

Uber tweeted in response that the company “proactively suspended self-driving operations in all cities immediately following the tragic incident last week,” and added it’s working with investigators “in any way we can.”  MORE

10 Comments on Uber has “proactively suspended self-driving operations in all cities immediately”

  1. Intermittent bug, on board computer was doing a restart and wasn’t paying attention just as the woman stepped into the road. Take a screen shot and send it into support maybe they will find something. But then maybe not. The Computer was driving will impaired…pull the license.

  2. Why, exactly is there this huge push for autonomous vehicles over the last 5 years? What problem are they trying to solve that justifies the massive expenditure? This will only take away more middle-class jobs, and drive more people into poverty.

  3. It is bad enough that the idiotic car companies are producing cars without choice of a real manual transmission. My 2013 Accord V6 has a compromise 6 speed automatic with paddle shifters to allow some override of full automatic and giving a little bit of the feel of an upscale sports car.
    2018 Accord now eliminated the sporty coupe and V6, making all models 4 cylinder and mostly continuous variable transmission (CVT).
    Ford had made he V6 comparable in power to early V8 engines (300+ hp). Now, you can’t get very many of their cars with the V6. Most are coming with the tiny 2.3 L 4 turbocharged to around 300 hp. Their “eco boost” supercharged 4 cylinder engines dominate.
    Other companies such as Nissan continue to push their CVT (totally removing any feel of actually driving).
    They continue to suck the driving experience our of driving.
    Although I like my navigation system and upscale interactive Bluetooth technology, much of what is happening (especially that horrible CVT rubber band worthless transmission) is destroying the driving experience.
    I suppose, the next logical step after destroying this driving experience is to remove the driver.
    Stop 🛑 already. Bring back the driving experience and let us really drive our cars.

  4. Sorry for the length, cut and pasted from an e-mail I received…

    Everyone should read this and wonder at the goal of the “green” people. Electricity, in turn, requires the burning of some fuel or the installation of some other expensive equipment to be generated (windmills or solar panels etc.).

    Ever since the advent of electric cars, the REAL cost per mile of those things has never been discussed. All you ever heard was the mpg in terms of gasoline, with nary a mention of the cost of electricity to run it. This is the first article I’ve ever seen and tells the story pretty much as I expected it to.

    Electricity has to be one of the least efficient ways to power things yet they’re being shoved down our throats… Glad somebody finally put engineering and math to paper.

    At a neighborhood BBQ I was talking to a neighbor, a BC Hydro executive. I asked him how that renewable thing was doing. He laughed, then got serious. If you really intend to adopt electric vehicles, he pointed out, you had to face certain realities. For example, a home charging system for a Tesla requires 75 amp service. The average house is equipped with 100 amp service. On our small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than 3 houses with a single Tesla, each. For even half the homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded.

    This is the elephant in the room with electric vehicles… Our residential infrastructure cannot bear the load. So as our genius elected officials promote this nonsense, not only are we being urged to buy these things and replace our reliable, cheap generating systems with expensive, new windmills and solar cells, but we will also have to renovate our entire delivery system! This latter “investment” will not be revealed until we’re so far down this dead end road that it will be presented with an ‘OOPS!’ and a shrug.

    If you want to argue with a green person over cars that are eco-friendly, just read the following. Note: If you ARE a green person, read it anyway. It’s enlightening.

    Eric test drove the Chevy Volt at the invitation of General Motors … and he writes, “For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine.” Eric calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. So, the range including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is approximately 270 miles.

    It will take you 4-1/2 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph.

    According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds 16 kwh of electricity. It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery. The cost for the electricity to charge the Volt is never mentioned so I looked up what I pay for electricity. I pay approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kwh. 16 kwh x $1.16 per kwh = $18.56 to charge the battery. $18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles = $0.74 per mile to operate the Volt using the battery. Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine that gets only 32 mpg. $3.19 per gallon divided by 32 mpg = $0.10 per mile

    The gasoline powered car costs about $20,000 while the Volt costs $46,000+… So the American Government wants loyal Americans not to do the math, but simply pay three times as much for a car, that costs more than seven times as much to run, and takes three times longer to drive across the country.


  5. @Tony R March 27, 2018 at 10:10 am – “Why, exactly is there this huge push for autonomous vehicles over the last 5 years? What problem are they trying to solve that justifies the massive expenditure?”

    #1 They know every place you go and when; #2 They know how far you go so they can tax you on mileage (in addition to fuel taxes) because more efficient engines mean less fuel used and less taxes collected; #3 They can control your travel – want to drive more than 10 miles from home? Buy a permit and carpooling is mandatory; #4 You can have any kind of car you want as long as it’s the government model in black with no amenities such as a heater, windshield wipers, or upholstery.

    Sounds kind of whack, doesn’t it, but some of the globalists goals are to confine people to cities (no travel) and closely monitor their activities. The next step would be to ban manual driving (for the chilruns’ safety dontcha know) and private ownership of anything with an engine – bicycles are the most advanced vehicles allowed.

  6. once you boil it all down its very simple, freedom.

    are you allowed (and by whom) to be free ?

    freedom of speech ? not if it offends someone now.
    freedom to bear arms? not now, some one might shoot up a school.
    freedom from unreasonable searches? not anymore, in fact police can now confiscate everything you own when they arrest you. just try getting it back.
    freedom to a speedy jury trial by your peers? not since the system was overloaded with cases.

    freedom to drive a car ? that will be gone soon. uncle sam doesn’t want you roaming around in a car un-accounted for.

  7. I just find it amazing that these self-driving vehicles can perform credit checks on pedestrians so quickly and determine whether it’s worth swerving to avoid them. Sort of like the way the tollroad can read your license plate at 60mph…


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