UC Berkeley Paper Apologizes For Anti-Semitic Cartoon – IOTW Report

UC Berkeley Paper Apologizes For Anti-Semitic Cartoon


TEL AVIV – After first defending its moves, the editors of the University of California’s student newspaper issued an apology and retraction for publishing a Nazi-themed cartoon last week. 

The first draft of the Daily Californian‘s editor’s note did not contain an apology as such, instead focusing on justifying cartoonist Joel Mayorga’s handiwork.


The artist’s intent was to argue that the contents of civil liberties lawyer and professor emeritus at Harvard Law School Alan Dershowitz’s recent lecture at UC Berkeley were hypocritical. We regret that the artistic rendering distracted from the discussion the artist was trying to start.

The editor’s note was then updated to “better reflect the sentiment of the editor,” the Daily Californian said. A third version was then published that also included a retraction.

The cartoon hearkened to clearly anti-Semitic tropes. It should not have been published, and we sincerely apologize that it was.

The cartoon depicted Alan Dershowitz presenting as he crouched on a stage, with his body behind a cardboard cutout labeled “The Liberal Case for Israel.” Dershowitz was drawn with twisted limbs. His foot was crushing a Palestinian person; placed in his hand was a depiction of an IDF soldier next to someone the soldier had shot.

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8 Comments on UC Berkeley Paper Apologizes For Anti-Semitic Cartoon

  1. Beserkley has had a long history of being so far left and anti-American, especially if you aren’t in lockstep with their radicalism, I am frightened and surprised they still exist. Brainwashing students, failing them if they disagree with a professor’s leftist rants and opinions that I worry about America.

  2. Geez.
    Looking at that, I just realized I may be one of the greater artists of my generation! Or any generation, for that matter! My “Mohammed Being Sodomized by a Pig” is actually better executed, in my expert opinion.
    I honestly didn’t fathom that there were worse artists than me – at least being published.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I really don’t care about the artists intent, horse shit is horse shit. maybe as a cost savings the people Republic of jerkily could be shut down, and the buildings used for homeless shelters for the San Francisco Bay area.

  4. I really don’t want the Left to apologize for things they say or do, any more than I want the Right to do it. People need to man up and own the things they represent instead of making whiny excuses and mea culpas. It’s a lot easier to deal with bigotry and hatred when everyone’s being honest about it.

    I don’t ever remember hearing about Stalin or Hitler or Mao apologizing for anything they did.

    Be proud of your beliefs, no matter how despicable they may seem to others.


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