UC Law School Sues San Francisco over Drug Dealing, Feces in Streets – IOTW Report

UC Law School Sues San Francisco over Drug Dealing, Feces in Streets

Breitbart: The city of San Francisco is facing a lawsuit filed by the University of California Hastings College of the Law, local businesses, and local residents over the Tenderloin district’s “deplorable” conditions including feces in the streets and relentless drug dealing.

Tenderloin residents, businesses, and the UC Hastings Law School are suing San Francisco over the community’s “deplorable” conditions, adding that the Tenderloin district has been used by the city as a “containment zone” for drug dealing and defecation in the streets.

“The deplorable conditions tolerated by the City in the Tenderloin are not permitted in other neighborhoods in San Francisco,” the lawsuit states. “This is a matter of fundamental fairness.”

“What is a city-wide problem should not be allowed to weigh disproportionately on a low-income working class neighborhood,” the lawsuit added. “San Francisco should be prohibited from abandoning a single neighborhood, in an apparent effort to spare other neighborhoods the burdens that confront the city at-large.”

The lawsuit goes on to state that the Tenderloin, “always a community of tolerance and compassion,” is now ruined. read more

14 Comments on UC Law School Sues San Francisco over Drug Dealing, Feces in Streets

  1. …they’ll jail a licensed medical doctor for prescribing a well-known, proven, properly produced medicine that resolves a worldwide disease crisis for no reason other than they hate the President, but random guys selling stuff produced in unknown, uncontrolled bathrooms and cut with God knows what Chinese anaesthetic, marketed for injection by unwashed people with scrapped up equipment and wild guesses at injection sites because the usual ones have been destroyed by over-use for the purposes of making a thief, liar, and robber high for a few minutes is absolutely OK because drug dealers are a Democrat core constituency; as are users, and if either dies as a result of their respective trade, they will be reliable Democrat votes FOREVER…



  2. ode to a sf politician:
    .an opotamus-mayor named breed
    .fell into some poo & then peed
    .she complained to all there
    .it just isn’t fair,
    .this s**t is all about capitalist greed

  3. WDS
    MAY 13, 2020 AT 8:28 AM
    “What happened to those $180K a year street cleaner jobs?”

    …with THAT kind of money they can afford some QUALITY Horse, so they’re probably tripping ballz while lying in the feces they were hired to clean…and plum paying City jobs like THAT are going to go to “protected minorites”, so ain’t no one gonna actually make ’em WORK, particularly in a long-term liberal stronghold like SF…

    …give it a minute, tho, it’s probably in Nancy’s $3 T stimulus that they’re gonna force straight White people in from flyover country to clean the shit from their betters off the streets with their tounges for FREE, but you’ll have to PASS her bill to see what’s IN it…

  4. “What is a city-wide problem should not be allowed to weigh disproportionately on a low-income working class neighborhood,”

    The key to understanding the reason is the term “low-income working class”.

    Leftists have nothing but contempt for them, those people are expected to stay in their place as political tools and vote for them, not expect anything done for them in return.

    A close look at almost any socialist run country shows the same sort of thing, that’s just the mindset of the Leftist elite that run them.

  5. San Francisco opened its Golden Shower Gate and the predictable happened. Ninety percent of these people should be secured inside mental hospitals for their own health and safety. They’ve all flown over the Cuckoo’s Nest and landed on the Streets of San Franshithole. Kind of ironic that it was Liberal lawyers who emptied the mental hospitals in the 1970s, and now they are trying to clean up the place without admitting that this mental health problem can only be solved by properly caring for these unfortunate victims of Liberalism by confining them in hospitals where they can be treated for their mental illnesses.

  6. Marco
    MAY 13, 2020 AT 9:49 AM
    “Ninety percent of these people should be secured inside mental hospitals for their own health and safety. ”

    …Douglas Adams called this YEARS ago, and he’s British AND dead, but oh so right about THIS future…

    “The Asylum

    The Asylum was set up one day after Watson came across a set of detailed instructions on a set of toothpicks. Watson, distressed and fearing for the world’s sanity, built the Asylum to put it in and help it get better. The Asylum is a four-walled house turned inside out. That which one would be inclined to take as the door into the house opens into a lawn with benches and walking paths. This is the area that Watson calls Outside the Asylum. Thus, the inside of the asylum contains the entire world, save for that small area. Within that small outside area, Watson has mounted the instructions for the toothpicks, in order to discourage himself and others from going back into the asylum.”

  7. Excellent Idea!

    Imagine a rehab program (especially the dealers) where they have to actually restore & fully understand the effects on society they helped create.

    Instead of politicians having Barbecues & Fairs they can see if anyone who supports their policies are willing to get a bit dirty.

  8. …I’m pretty sure any male attending your “law school” in those evirons is ALREADY a coprophiliac, so I don’t really see the problem unless they want all the OTHER neighborhoods to be as decorated as THEIRS…it’s like terraforming, but more gay and with shit instead of oxygen…


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