UCLA Course: *Spatial Injustice* – IOTW Report

UCLA Course: *Spatial Injustice*

Tammy Bruce:  Great news for Social Justice Warriors:


Now, you can all rail against cars, highways, the Internet, film and media, racism, patriarchy, and heterosexual bias, and you get five credits towards your college degree.

Because… Spatial Injustice!

Find out what that is, HERE

11 Comments on UCLA Course: *Spatial Injustice*

  1. we are in line for a big war, and i can’t wait

    will anderson cooper and others like him take up arms to defend what’s left of america, no answer required

    it will be horrific, possibly the wake up call needed

  2. What are they trying to prove ? That if Inner City Brothers Had Reliable Cars With More Personal Space , They’d Rob Bigger Banks ?
    We do need Eqaulity there, Can’t Have Whitey Gettin All That FREE Money !

  3. Bad Brad : I can relate to the Flight Issue, you gotta take what you can or be sore for a Week!
    I was on an Indonesian flight , and Had a 4 foot 5 Phillipino Man In front of me … He Put His Seat Back & somehow Locked it, then proceeded to Smoke 47 Jakarta Cigarettes between Bali and Hawaii !!! I was Ill. (I counted)

  4. Similar to the “environmental justice” crap and pseudoscience that diploma mills like ucla gave been puking out for years. More non$$en$$e from the nations youth indoctrination centers.

  5. So when ghetto trash athletes or rap singers gain equal footing with “privileged” white folks, how does the learned professor explain why they continue the ghetto ways, i.e. Violence, drug abuse, crime, etc.?

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